Spiderman 4: The amazing spiderman 3D experience was really amazing.I was searching for the movie The amazing spiderman : Spiderman 4 over the internet just after it gets released.I tried in different website.Got one but that was a hall print so did not watch that one cause the print was very bad.I was waiting for a good quality version.Suddenly some of our friends planned for the movie and we were eager to watch The amazing spiderman : Spiderman 4 in 3D.

The actor of Spiderman 4
The Director is : Marc Webb, in Spiderman role the actor is Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone is the actress.
You can check the review here: IMDB Rating
You can also check the trailer here: The Amazing Spiderman : Spiderman 4 Official Trailer

The Amazing Spiderman: Spiderman_4
The experience was awesome! I have watched 3D movies before but this experience was unique.The screenplay is specially made for 3D.Those who still did not watch the movie and have the facility to watch it in 3D, my suggestion is that watch the movie in 3D because this is a movie which is different in 3D and in 2D.You will not be able to get the things which you will get in 3D.

Emma Stone – The actress in Spiderman 4
About the movie, the story is stronger than any other Spiderman movie and you will be able to arrange the whole story logically.You will not think that the whole thing is just whimsical.
The story of The amazing Spiderman :Spiderman 4 starts with a very logical sequence.The father of Spiderman (Perter Parkar) is a scientist and his research interest is in cross genetics research.He continues his research with one of his fellow scientist and finally the father of Spiderman got a result and invented one algorithm which is miraculous but is having some bad impact.So, he kept the formula secret .But somehow the the funding body which is OSCORP,a giant company in US,their people tried to get the formula from him and his father just disguised and brought spiderman to one of his friends house and left with Peter Parker’s mother.Spiderman brought up in that home of his fathers friend.When he grew up he has passion in photography and he was weak but honest by heart.
One day Peter got the hand bag of his father and got the papers where the formula is written.Somehow he went to that Professor who is the friend of his father and given him the discovered formula.In that time one spider in that lab of OSCORP bite Peter and he gradually get all the superpower and he invented the biofiber which is much more stronger than the ordinary fiber made of plastic
On the other hand the scientist tried the formula in his own body and he became a giant Lizard and tried to kill Spiderman.The action started with a huge intensity and the experience in 3D started at that time.
You will feel like you are flying with spiderman and when the spiderman falls or jump you can experience the real feeling.The things which got distracted will become more touchy to you.
The scientist becomes more furious and he planned to spread the element which transforms man to a giant Lizard and he went to the OSCORP roof and he was setting to spread the element as gas with an explosion.But to prevent him spiderman needed the anti-node which can distract the reaction.Finally he got the anti node with the help of her girlfriend and his father, who is the chief of police and finally got success to prevent that giant Lizard.
Do not leave your seat while the names started showing because there is one small clip which is still pending.This will tell you about the next squeal.