How to Generate Non-Stop Traffic to Your Site

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Any modern business owner worth his salt understands the need for an online presence. The majority of customers look up directions, reviews, and prices online before even setting foot inside your location. You probably already have a website and a blog, but what are you supposed to do to get people to see them? The Internet is a big place after all. Here are some tips to not only generate traffic, but to also expand your virtual presence.

Write Often. Write Well – There really isn’t a way around this one. You have to generate a lot of quality content or else readers will lose interest in you, and it has to be good, interesting content. If you’re just starting out, take solace in the adage that practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you will become at creating interesting content, and the less it will take out of you to do so.

Be Active in the Blogosphere – Bloggers are like an online neighborhood; everyone has their own plot they call home, but they still like to get together and chat. Visit other blogs that interest and become an active member, leave comments, share items of interest and participate however you can. Be sure to let them know who you are and where they can find you online. When you link to other blogs on your site, they can see where the click-throughs come from and will be aware that you are promoting them and may just return the favor.

SEO – This is a big one. Search Engine Optimization is about crafting your site so that it plays well in search engines like Google and Yahoo. These engines use algorithms to generate their search results, and by peppering your page with keywords and article tags, you are waving a flag at these search engines that you are here and fit the bill, and you’re more likely to come up higher on a list during a Google search. Think of what your ideal readers might search for, as it relates to you, and use those words in your articles and elsewhere on your page. There is, however, a set of “SEO manners” that a site owner must follow in order to not be penalized by Google. Generating content that relates to your site, is relevant and of high visual and written quality are all ways to avoid chastisement from Google, which frowns upon certain kinds of SEO because of its unorganicaness.

Social Media Optimization – Social media is one of the best ways to generate word-of-mouth advertising for your site, and there is no better way to spread your name around than by getting people talking about it. If you can afford it, try paying for a sponsored tweet or Facebook post. The post will reach well beyond your friends list and place your brand in front of faces that may not have seen the post otherwise.

If you’re not feeling the blind shotgun approach, however, try asking a few of your close friends to spread the word for you. People are much more likely to trust someone they know, and this can be a great way to get your own community started. Be sure to share your content through yours or your business’ social media accounts as well.

Images – Images in your content benefit you in two ways: they break up the wall of text posts, and makes content easier to digest and process. Most people skim instead of reading anyway, so it gives them a stopping point between paragraphs to catch their visual breath before returning to your words. Secondly, they come up in image searches, providing a secondary way for people to find your site via search engine.

Visibility – You need to build your brand’s visibility, so go where the people are looking. Forums, blog awards (nominate and vote for yourself), and communities that pertain to your specific niche. If you write about boating, activity in other boating communities online will surely generate traffic back to your site or social profiles. Offer to guest blog about a topic, in exchange for a mention of your blog. Establish your presence as “that business and boating guy,” or whatever your niche is.

Be vocal. It’s great to be nice and keep to yourself when being a good neighbor, but on the Internet you have to stand up and demand attention.

It takes persistence and consistency, but if you keep moving ahead, you will find your audience. Over time, the daunting task of generating traffic will become easy as you learn the ropes and how to play the game. The key is to get down, get your hands dirty and start writing.

Camille McClane

Camille McClane is a writer, researcher and editor who enjoys creating content revolving around all things tech, online business and marketing, social media and smartphone apps. She frequently writes for Gryffin Media and hopes you enjoy this article!

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Kelly Stark
8 years ago

Great article! There’s so much to learn about SEO/indexing, but I think you hit all the key points! Thanks!!!

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