Have you ever experience writing everyday on your journal then at the end of the day, you’ll realize that you either lost or misplaced it? Have you ever feel that you want to continue writing but you’re getting lazy coz you know that you could just lose it again? If your answer to both questions is yes then you should continue reading.
When it comes to writing, you don’t necessarily need to stick to the traditional way of writing in your journal. With the advanced technology available for you now, there’s such thing as virtual journal, which is also known as Blog. Why don’t you try it instead?

Photo Credit: PinAgency.Com
The good thing about having a blog is that you don’t need to worry about losing it coz once you have your own blog, there’s no way you’ll lose it. Well, except if you lose the link of your own blog, which rarely happens. If you don’t have your own blog, it’s not yet too late for you to create one.
In creating your own blog, you can start by writing a brief description about yourself. And when you finally decided to start posting, you could write something about a hobby of yours, a happening, a special occasion, a book, a trip or anything under the sun. It’s your own blog so you could write anything you want. For your blog to attract more attention, you could customize your own web design based on your own preference.
Some of the things that you could post on your blog are the following:
• Food. Nowadays, there had been a lot of people who’re posting photos – especially using the social media called Instagram – of the foods that they love or even simple foods that they’re eating on a daily basis. You can’t only take photos of the foods but you could also take photos of the specific restaurant you’re eating at or even the menu of the restaurant. There are even some people who take photos of the table setting of a restaurant – along with table napkins where you could find the name of the restaurant.
• Places, sceneries or anything about nature. This is probably the most often posts that people post on their own blogs. The good thing about posting about them is that not only can you share the beauty of the place you’re staying at but also you were able to help promote that specific place.
• Feelings. The all time favorite subject of bloggers all around the world. Whether you’re too happy or sad, you could write them on your blog. One of the reasons why the number of bloggers around the world is increasing is because they are free to write whatever they want to write. And most of them love the fact that whenever they don’t have anyone to talk to about a specific thing, they could always go to their blog and write their hearts out.
When it comes to writing on your own blog, you don’t need to limit yourself. Go write your heart and thought out. Just keep in mind that you should be responsible for the content of your blog.