Why to create free blog in blogspot? Many people try to make a blog for the purpose of Blogging. They want to share their ideas and thoughts through their blog. Also many people try to make a blog to earn some money from their blog. Because people can also monetize their blog for making money. This is possible to earn money from a blog by Google Adsense , which is the advertisement from Google. Other advertising and monetization methods can be used to earn money from blog.People also display their referral links in their blog and try to get referral from their blog.
The beginners who want to do blogging always search for a space which is free and they can do their blogging and express their thoughts there. Cause this is always special to accumulate all the ideas in a space from where people also can check their writings and blogs. There are several free blogging platform like Blogger, WordPress etc. from where you can create your free blog and you do not need to pay anything at all.
Before going to the steps of how to create free blog in blogspot, just want to remind you, if you are starting a blog to make serious money from blogging, Blogspot is not for you. You can read the article WordPress Vs Blogger, which Gives the Best Blogging Experience?.
If you need further guide to develop your blog, you can read Route 66 to Start Blogging: Which Blogging Platform to Choose?.
How to Create Free Blog in Blogspot?
Below I am explaining the procedure to make a free Blogspot blog in Blogger.Below are the steps to create free Blogspot blog in Blogger.
Step 1:
Click Here to create an account in Blogger.com
Step 2:
After clicking you will get the screen like below:

Sign up page for Blogger
In the above screen you will get both the Sign up and Sign in option.If you are having one Gmail account then you can use this to create one blog but if you do not have any Gmail account then do not get worried.You just press “Sign up” and Sign up for an account.After signing up just select the bloggers profile and this will drive you to a page where you need to put one user name.You can put anything you like.In my case i have provided here “techntechie”.
Step 3:
After completing the above step 2 you will get a screen like below:

Click on new blog to create blog
Step 4:
After clicking on new blog you will get a screen like below:

Write a name for your blog !
Now select a name for your blog in the “Title” tab and put an address in the address tab and check whether your address is unique or not.If your address is previously taken by someone then you will not be able to use that address.Then select one “Template”. Select template as your wish but make sure that it suites your blog.You can also change your template later.Now click on “Create blog” tab and you are done.You are done now.You have made your free blogspot blog.This is your beginning. 😀
Step 5:
You will get the screen like below after creating the blog :

View Your Blog
The steps of how to create a free blog in blogspot is completed. Now you can write blog post by clicking on the “Pen” symbol or you can also view your blog surface or design by clicking on the “View Blog” tab!
I hope following the above steps you have already created your blog. So,start posting on your blog and customize your blog as you wish.See other posts on this blog about blogging tips in Blogspot to make those things easier.
If you do not want to start your blog in free blogging platform and want to start your blog in WordPress, I will tell you this is the best decision your are taking. To do so, at first choose a nice domain name for your blog and then buy a nice web hosting plan for WordPress blog.
Then after setting up one blog the next thing that will come on your mind is how to add through this blog? Yes, you will be able to earn real money online just by doing good quality post in your blog. Are you thinking how? There are many ways. You will be able to find a lot of ways to earn money from your blog. Just search in this blog. More specifically, you can check my post “Boost Up Blog Earning With (Chitika + Google Adsense)!“. This post will really help you to have some idea about how to earn through online advertising. I have also explained in one blog post about “Ways to Make Money From Your Blog“
Though this is convenient for any new blogger to start his or her new blog in a free blogging platform but free blogs are not always the best. To get some more idea about it you can read the article “Strategic Tips for Working on An WordPress Website“.
So, now you know how to create free blog in blogspot. Please do not forget to share this or like “Tech N Techie” Facebook page if it helps you.
Awesome post. Carry on man….