7 Useful Tips For Successful Blogging

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There are millions blogging out there every day. Most of them are not aware of the ways to have more fun and earn some money out of blogging. It’s time to learn some proven ways of getting more readers and achieving higher rankings:


1. Write about a topic that you are highly familiar with. In this way, you can keep the audience engaged with fresh, useful and fun content. If you are not running a corporate blog, you can write about the people you meet and the books you read. Make the content interesting and attractive so that more people want to enjoy it.

2. Prepare a list of things you want to talk about on your blog. After opening these categories, be prepared to add a few more to cover the new ones that you have left out and which can be relevant to the existing content. Thereby, you’ll be ready to enrich your blog and extend the readers’ community.

3. Take advantage of Pinterset account that helps to do easy blogging. This tool allows you to pin your photos on the variety of boards so that other bloggers and potential followers can see them. For instance, you created a post about Japanese food and shared it on your blog, now you can place a photo from this post on the relevant Pinterest board and add link to it.

4. Become a social media fan. Nowadays, being active on Facebook and Twitter is an objective precondition for many people to know about any initiative. Such activities help to build trustful relationships with your followers and attract new ones.  It is also important to join blogger groups – you will have the opportunity to interact with other bloggers, ask the piece of advice and solve some blogging issues very fast. So, keep your blog’s social media pages alive.

5. Use social bookmarks to promote your blog and gain traffic. You can do this by adding your blog’s URL to your favorite “social” accounts, like Reddit, StumbleUpon, Digg and also to the forums with high traffic. The ways to get more visitors include asking questions and sharing your expertise. After active commenting and sharing you will eventually find the traffic increasing.

6. Announcing contests is not always a good way to get loyal readers. If you want to receive consistent traffic, you must provide a steady stream of content for at least two years. The hundreds of dollars you spend on prizes in return for subscribing to your RSS or email are likely to turn a mere waste. The point is that the majority of such subscribers will leave your blog after getting the prizes.

7. Move on to create additional blogs once you are successful with one, your experience will tell you where to move. Remember that the different blogs you have will account for more number of visitors and will enable you experiment with different types of content to study the success rates across a wider base.

Linda Waters

Linda Waters. Blogger, adores writing on innovative mobile technologies. Marketing executive at mSpy, contributes to the development of mobile tracking apps.

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