2 Tips for Speeding up Your Broadband Connection

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Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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Having a slow broadband connection can be extremely frustrating, particularly when you are using the Internet to stream media or for playing online video games where connection quality and latency are everything. Its not a problem just with cheap broadband but fortunately. But there are various steps that you can take to improve the connection quality of your broadband service. Although there is only so much you can do with the bandwidth made available to you by your hardware and Internet service provider. Here in this article we are going to share 2 tips for speeding up your broadband connection.

Before you begin, it is a good idea to find out what sort of speeds your connection should be achieving and then you will know what you can reasonably expect. You can usually find out such information by going to the homepage of your service provider and searching for your postal or ZIP code to see which speeds are attainable in your area. If you are convinced that your broadband speeds are well below what they should be, you may want to contact your service provider to see if there is a problem at their end. Broadband_Connection1 – See if any other Programs are Hogging Your Bandwidth:

One of the most common causes for slow Internet is having one or more other applications hogging your bandwidth. If you find that Internet speeds are very slow on one computer yet fine on another, then the problem almost certainly lies with the computer. Ensure that any other applications which use the Internet are closed down when you need to have more available bandwidth. Some programs configure themselves to update automatically at specified intervals, sometimes hogging bandwidth at the most inconvenient of moments. In other cases, malicious software may be causing the problem. Updating your antivirus software and performing a thorough scan of your computer should solve problems regarding such software.

Many popular Internet-heavy programs configure themselves to start up automatically when you log into Windows. You can prevent this from happening by running the msconfig utility or, in Windows 8, configuring the start-up settings from the new task manager.

2 – Use a Wired Connection :

Wireless Internet has its uses and, in some situations, it is the only practical option for connecting to the Web. However, wireless Internet is inherently inferior when it comes to connection quality, reliability and security. It is always better to have a wired Ethernet connection since this will not be subjected to interference or signal strength issues. Virtually all computers have a built-in Ethernet card and all routers (including wireless ones) have at least one Ethernet port on them, allowing for a wired connection.

If it is not convenient to have a cabled connection between your broadband router and computer, then you may want to consider using the HomePlug option. This provides the same level of performance. HomePlug is the name of a family of power line communications technologies which uses the electrical wiring in your home to carry data to and from the router. To use it, you need to connect one HomePlug to the router and another to the computer with another Ethernet cable. The connection will only work provided that both sides are connected to the same electrical grid sharing the same meter.

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