Which Is The Best Web Browser- Lets Have A Close Review

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It is a fact that most of us spend a good time surfing the internet, doing facebook, or even playing online games. The recent speed of the internet has increased and decreased the importance of the web browsers, as now we hardly think about the concept of faster browser or slower browser. Apart from page loading, there are other issues which we need to consider before choosing a web browser. Now many companies are offering web browsers which offer cutting edge technologies while enhancing your browsing experiences. Microsoft’s IE9, Firefox 9, Safari 5.1, Chrome 16 and Opera 11.6 are the example of best web browsers. Most of them offer good speed, security and smooth browsing experience yet there are few features which need a close review.



All these big browsers offer speedy browsing yet when it comes to the matter Sun-spider JavaScript benchmarks, Firefox stays far ahead from its competitors. Safari and IE9 also score well in individual tests. Apart from the Java Scripts, please do remember that add-ons are of great importance and here firefox has the edge. Firefox offers massive numbers of add-ons along with Greasemonkey scripts which enhance its stature among its similar counterparts. Here in this segment Safari lags far behind, thought it supports add-ons like ad blockers, gmail notifiers and twitter utilities, but this numbers are very less. Here also Firefox gets full marks.

But while choosing web browser, always keep in mind about the security concerns. In the recent times, traditional antivirus or firewall is not enough, your web browser must handle some parts of security effectively and here IE9 wins the race. Though firefox and Crome will offer various security features, but IE9 blocks the users from browsing numerous compromised webpages, giving them repeated warning about the security breaches. But if you are using an ageing OS like XP, along with a slow internet connection, them Google Crome is the best choice in terms of overall browsing experience.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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