Your Techie Sense (Not Common Sense!) Working Or Not?

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The article title is bit off bit! What have you thought after checking the post title first time? May be you are not sure what am i talking about.May be the word “Techie Sense” is not used too much in English.But suddenly i got the word while searching for a post topic and i hope this is going to make an interesting story.



The word “Common sense” is very much common and we understand easily what people are trying to say with this word.But i am using “Techie sense” because this is about technology.According to my definition this is the sense which judges how much technical you are or how quickly you can solve one technical problem or how you can do any tricks or ticks! Though this sounds a bit odd to you but there are people with more Techie sense and less Techie sense.

I am giving you one example which will clear you the idea of “Techie Sense”.When i arrived Taiwan, i had two laptops and two cellphones.As these are electronics devices so they must need to charge with electricity.But i was unable to charge anything by connecting the chords through plugs.Because the plug that i am using is not compatible with the plug points over here.The space between the pins of the plug were more that the pin points whole.So,i was searching for ways to get a quick possible solution.

The best option is to look for a converter to adjust it.I thought that may be i will find one converter and with the help of the converter the plug will be adjustable with one side and i will connect the other side with the plug point.

But as i was new in Taiwan and there is language problem, i was unable to find this kind of converter.I was not getting the right one! My laptop and mobile charge was already finished and i was just helpless.Then i just suddenly think that why i am not using any wire to connect those two pins and then entering those two parts of the wire in the plug point hole? As it clicked in my mind i did those and rapped up the connections with the tape very carefully and started using the laptop and mobile like this.That one a kind of “Techie sense” by dint of which sometimes you can escape yourself form some big problem.

Try to improve your techie sense.Throw yourself in a kind of scenario where the situation is having some simple tech problem and if you try you can manage then do it.It will build your confidence.Do not just back off.

If there is a PC problem then just try to fix it with your “Techie Sense” rather asking help from the expert.If the light of your drawing room in not flashing then try to check it.

If your mobile or camera is having some problem do not just go to the expert.Try to check what is the problem.You will get a thousands of materials in the internet.So,not to get worried about.

Search for YouTube videos and i believe that in this way you will be able to establish you confidence.Which is very helpful for you in the long run.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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