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Will Xbox One eclipse Sony’s PS4?

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Since Sony and Microsoft unveiled their new consoles at E3, Microsoft has been hogging the headlines and initially not for good reasons. But it may be a case of taking a stance that ‘bad publicity is good’, as after Microsoft backtracked on all its contentious features and removed the stringent restrictions regarding internet connectivity and game sharing that were supposed to be enforced by Xbox One, they have already exceeded pre-sales stats from its predecessor, the Xbox 360.

All Consoles Are Not Created Equal: 

Previously, Sony consoles have boasted better hardware specs and Xbox has lagged behind, but with the release of the Xbox One stats vs. the PS4 it seems that this time around Microsoft and Sony have been created almost equal. There are of course a few key differences inside the boxes with RAM being the most obvious. The PS4 uses 8GB GDDR5 RAM which is the same as the RAM found in PCs, while the Xbox One uses 8GB of DDR3 RAM. The PS4 RAM is better optimised for graphical throughput and the PS4s GPU has around 50% more power than the Xbox’s, so PS4 fans may find their games render slightly better and the graphical quality is enhanced.

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You can have a look at my another article which describes about the Xbox 360; Enter the Gaming world with the magic of Xbox.

Gaming Exclusivity: 

Microsoft seems to have gathered a greater selection of exclusive games for this new console, with Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Quantum Break, Titanfall and Forza 5 amongst their exclusive first party titles. These games may be a good reason to sell your Playstation and go for the new Xbox One, rather than upgrading to the PS4, but the real test will lie in how well the games play on the console. Xbox is already a winner in the games exclusivity stakes thanks to titles like Halo, Gears of War and Fable so it remains to be seen whether the new PlayStation can match up to the caliber of titles already available with their new releases.

Controllers and Game Pad Interaction:

Both the controllers for the Xbox One and the PS4 have essentially evolved from the consoles original devices. Sony has added a DualShock4 feature that enables motion control functionality but it is said to be a slightly inferior attempt at motion control when comparing it to the Kinect facility of the Xbox. Every Xbox One console will be bundled with a second generation Kinect while Sony has yet to confirm if their move controller and stereo camera will be included with every PS4 purchase. Microsoft’s first version of the Kinect didn’t make a huge impression on avid gaming fans so it is an interesting marketing angle to include the second generation version with the Xbox One. The second generation Kinect is touted as having upgraded features and it will apparently be far more integrated into the Xbox gaming experience, but players will have to test this themselves when the console is released.

Xbox One was unveiled with a splash, at the time not a very good one but it has subsequently seemed to gain a firm following, leaving the new PS4 somewhat behind. When both consoles hit the market sales figures will do the talking, but at present the One’s publicity has certainly eclipsed any that Sony had hoped to drum up.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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