Vegetables for Bloggers – A Must Read for Bloggers!

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After reading the name you must be thinking that why bloggers should have some specific vegetables? or May be you are unable to relate anything with the vegetable and blog. But while searching for a topic to read an article in my blog I have found some good relation with the bloggers and vegetables. Let’s see what are the relations:

Those who are passionate or serious bloggers, they write for their blog everyday. They write a good number of posts and they write those posts by their own. So, they need to spend a good number of time in front of their computer. They sit in front of their computer for a long time because they need to research for their article they are writing and also they need to write while spending a good number of time. For these reasons their body does not move a lot. So, their body does not get enough chance to burn calories which causes extra fat or their body or belly. This not good for their health at all.

Then what are the procedures or tricks to burn the extra calorie which are not burning without moving your body that much? 

My Video to Understand the Concept:

The answer is to eat a lot of negative calorie foods which are mostly vegetables and can burn your extra fat. Those who work in front of computer and are getting fat they should eat negative calorie vegetables to burn their extra fat. The vegetables which helps you to burn extra fat or extra calories are limited but those vegetables are very much available. You can eat the below vegetables and fruits:

1. Cucumber:

Eat cucumber because it provides a lot of vitamin B. Rehydrates your body quickly. It also takes care of your hair and skin. This also fights against cancer. Cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure. So, eat a lot of cucumber everyday.

2. Carrot:

Carrot is a root vegetable and it improves your vision. While writing  in front of computer you put extra pressure to your eye. So, carrot cures this. It also helps anti ageing. This is also a powerful antiseptic.

3. Asparagus:

This vegetable is filled with antioxidants and vitamins. It also helps our brains fight cognitive decline

4. A Glass of Fruit or Vegetable Juice in the Morning:

A glass of fruit or vegetable juice in the morning works miraculously to burn your fat and make your digestion system strong and clear.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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