Using Remarketing To Drive Visitors Back To Your Website

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Unfortunately, not all the visitors to your website will purchase anything, or leave their contact details before clicking out of your site. These are potential future customers (or subscribers), and if you’re serious about building a successful online business then you should look into ways to bring these people back to your site for a second time. Google’s remarketing feature is an effective way of doing this, and basically involves displaying ads across the web or when they search on Google, pointing them back to your website. Here are 3 benefits to using remarketing to help drive visitors back to your website. With them, no doubt you’ll be building an ever-growing customer base in no time at all.

1. Reduced loss:

Of course, the most important benefit of using remarketing is that it can redirect otherwise lost customers back to your website. In simple terms, remarketing gives your brand a second chance. What’s more, visitors who have already visited your website usually have a higher potential for conversion. This means that doing everything you can to speak to these prospects and bring them back to your website will usually result in a sale, or subscription. Speaking to online marketing experts like Search Factory can help you implement a remarketing campaign that will bring your customers back from the abyss.

2. Improved brand recall:

Remarketing reminds your prospects of your brand, and this over time can lead them back to your website to make that purchase. Visitors are more likely to revisit a brand they already know than a completely new one. Also, it’s possible to only target certain visitors who completed specific steps on a website when remarketing. For example, it’s possible to only remarket your brand to those that proceeded to the checkout of your eCommerce store, but – for whatever reason – decided not to go through with the purchase. Remarketing can then display your brand to these lost prospects, and hopefully bring them back to complete that sale.

3. Flexible budget:

Finally, like other Google advertising services, you have complete control over the budget of your remarketing efforts. This is important for any business keen on getting the most bang for their buck when it comes to online marketing. You can also take advantage of a number of excellent reporting tools that can help you optimise your ads and messages for maximum effect.

Most marketers would agree that a prospect usually needs to see an advertisement, or visit a store a number of times before they end up making a purchase. That’s why doing everything you can to bring back visitors to your site, time and time again, is so important. Each time they revisit your site, the chances of conversion are higher. Using Google’s remarketing feature allows you to remarket your brand to prospects who left your site without being converted. It’s a highly effective tool – that won’t cost you an arm or a leg, and should be a part of any serious marketer’s effort throughout this new year, and beyond.

Jared Bennett

This post was contributed by Jared Bennett, who is part of the team at Search Factory Brisbane Office.

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