Top Must Have SEO Skills

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With online marketing constantly evolving, it is important for SEO providers to not only focus on SEO but also have a thorough knowledge of other online marketing strategies.

That is why, if you are looking to hire an SEO provider, it is essential that you check to see if they offer you the following SEO skills before you hire them.

 One: Technical SEO : 

Whilst it is important to have a thorough knowledge of on-page optimisation i.e. title tags, alt tags etc; to achieve your goals of generating more traffic to your website, (and ultimately conversions) SEO providers also need to be well versed in technical SEO so they can help your website on a page and server level to be picked up by search engines.

This means, they need to know how to deal with server side settings, sitemaps, server response codes and server side rewrites – to name just a few.

Two: Social Media Marketing: 

Social media is gaining more of an online presence everyday, so as an SEO provider they should be able to offer you more than Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts.

They must also be able to supply you with tactics which include fan acquisition strategies, optimising videos on YouTube and building up your Twitter followers.

Three: Link Building:

Internal and external linking building is important, so SEO providers should be able to offer you both.

Gone are the days of flinging as many links from as many locations as possible to a site. Today’s SEO needs to understand how search engines work, what is a ‘good’ link that benefits a site now and in the future, and what is a ‘bad’ link that will harm the site.

Four: Usability and Information Architecture: 

The easier it is for consumers to use and navigate your website, the more beneficial it will be to you. Luckily a good SEO provider can help you with this structuring.

By helping you to organise your content, decide your folder structure and more importantly appropriately place objects across your website, this will ensure that consumers recognise your website as useful and stay onsite.

Five: Content Marketing: 

Content creation and distribution is key to attracting consumers and keeping them engaged with your website. Now a good SEO provider will help you to determine good content ideas which will add value to your site as well as show you how to recognise strategies which are not as effective.

To achieve this, they should do keyword research, take the time to find content gaps and effectively distribute content.

As a business you want your website to succeed; to reach out to the appropriate audience and convert. A good SEO provider can help you to achieve this.

Just make sure that they can offer you all of the above skills, but more importantly can prove the worth they can add to your site.


The writer of this post is a technology blogger and writer for

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