Things I do With My Apple Watch

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Though Apple watch was not a big hit from Apple, I love it very much and this is really helpful for me when I am on the go. I was really curious about this wearable device from Apple and ordered my Apple Watch from Australia. I loved the packaging of Apple watch. I have seen other Android wearable devices but the finishing of Apple Watch is extraordinary. Apple Watch really helps me when I am driving or I am on the go. I am going to write down all the important advantages of Apple Watch that I am getting from this device.


1. Receiving Phone Calls or Dialing a Person:


Apple watch is very helpful when you are driving or walking and not in a position to take out the mobile device from your pocket or bag. You can easily receive the phone call from your watch and answer the person. If you receive a text message, you can also reply this from your Apple Watch. This is really a helpful feature.

2.Take a Nice Selfie with Apple Watch:


If you struggle to take a selfie when the number of people are a bit high, you want to set the iPhone a bit far from your body but your other hand is unable to read the phone and unable to click (of course you do not carry selfie stick all the time with you :)), Apple watch is a life saver. Turn on the camera option from Apple Watch, hold it with the other hand and click from the Apple watch to take the absolutely perfect picture! You will love it!

3.Check Beats Per Minute with Apple Watch:


This is a huge feature in Apple Watch. You can measure your beats per minute with Apple Watch. Slide up the screen of your apple watch and when you will slide to the left, the BPM option will come with a red heart sign. To measure the beats per minute, place it over your wrist and you will be able to measure beats per minute within a minute.

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4. Get Notification from Your Calendar:


This helps me a lot. I always forget about the meeting time with my supervisor and Apple Watch remind me before the meeting that I have a meeting. I set the alarm before 30 mins of the event and Apple watch gives me a vibration before 30 minutes of the event.This is useful for those who maintain a lot of schedule in a day. If you want to enable a meeting alarm manually, please go to the calendar and set it manually. If you are using Microsoft outlook and someone sends you an invitation or you send someone an invitation and if you accept it or if the other party accepts the invitation, it automatically saves the meeting time in the calendar and it gets synchronized with the Apple watch calendar app.

5. Play My Music from Apple Watch:


With Apple Watch, I can play my music remotely. If are listening to your music in a bus, want to change it but not feeling like take it out from your hand bag or from your pocket, just do it from your Apple watch. Easy and simple!

6. Apple Watch A Nice Fitness Device:


As I have to work long hours in front of computer because of my research purpose and blogging, I had a back pain and also had a pain on my right leg. I went to the doctor and my doctor suggested me to do movement after a particular time. Also suggested me not to sit for a long time. Apple watch helped me a lot in this regard. Apple Watch has a very strong fitness app. The app is “Activity”. If you slide, you will get another three functions, Move, Exercise, Stand. The move tab will show your total movement, the exercise tab will show you the total amount of exercise and the stand tab will show you how much time your were in standing position. The Apple Watch will also notify you if you are sitting for a long time and will tell you time to stand.

The above features are some common features that I use through my Apple watch. There are other hundred features and developers are developing a lot of Apps for future. So, Apple watch will be a great wearable device in future! Tell me your experience about Apple Watch. If you want to add something interesting, please let us know through comments.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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8 years ago

i like your post but have to correct something. The heart and “bpm” is heart rate, beats per minute. The watch measures changing amounts of blood flow using that green light on the inside. It does not and cannot measure blood pressure. If it did, however, it would display two numbers, systolic, the pressure when the heart is squeezing, and diastolic, the pressure when the heart is relaxed. It would look something like 110/65.

Marshall Abbott
Marshall Abbott
8 years ago

BPM is beats per minute. It measures how many times your heart beats per minute. Also called your pulse rate. It does not measure your blood pressure. That requires a blood pressure cuff that squeezes your arm. Not an option on the Apple Watch.

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