The HTC M7 – New Sound and New Camera Experience

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Many experts in the market have been waiting for the HTC M7.  The HTC brand has gone through some challenges over the recent years.  They began by producing phones for other people and then became a big name in the Android market.  Many techies loved the HTC and they were the preferred Android phone for many.


As Samsung walked into this market, HTC suffered for a while but come back with some strong Windows-based phones.  Now, they are promising a real stir in the industry with new sound and new picture experiences.

News from the Website: Ultrapixels?

The HTC website features a look at the brief history of photography.  And although this doesn’t seem to signal anything inparticular, the final banner explains that HTC will kick off a new sound and camera experience in 2013.

The rumour is that HTC’s future phones will drop megapixels and the M7 will feature ultrapixels.  The resolution will be immense similar to Nokia’s PureView technology.

The phone is likely to include a pretty snazzy camera full of the latest technology and the suggestions are that the M7 will include a quad-core processor, runAndroid Jelly Bean, and include a 4.7-inch total HD screen.The phone certainly sounds enticing and ultrapixels is a new term that it looks like we will have to get used to in the future.

Technology Moving Fast :

The pace of technology is certainly compelling.  Phones are fighting to compete in an ultra-competitive market place.  To be able to succeed, innovation has to happen in each and every new model.  Standing still and slight improvements is no longer enough.  With so many companies vying for position in every niche, it’s important that manufacturers stay ahead of the game. And it looks like HTC are going to be doing this.

Apple, Microsoft, HTC, LG, Sony, Google, all have to keep bringing out fantastic phones, either offering the highest specifications or the best value.  The flagship phones are much like Formula One is to car brands.  They show just how far a company can push the boundaries of technology and do wonders for phones throughout all price levels.

Let’s watch this phase and see what happens with the HTC M7.

HTC moving into China :

There is a lso news from the CEO of HTC that they are going to be moving into the Chinese region in a big way. China has not yet been penetrated by the smartphone market to any great and this is something that HTC is looking to remedy. They perhaps see their position in the Western Markets as very weak and can’t resist the lure of such a big potential new market.

Phil Turner

Phil Turner used to wonder what future phones would be like. The future is now here, with futuristic communication devices in everyoneâ

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