The basic requirement of any web page is quality writing. Quality writing not only implies easy comprehensibility but also search engine optimized content. SEO services India ensures such quality writing specially targeted for web visitors. Writing for web is distinctive and different from all other forms of writing.
A number of factors are to be kept in mind while writing for a website. Some of these factors are inter-related while some are exclusive. A writer must be thoroughly conversant with these factors or else the entire exercise of developing web pages becomes useless. At the outset, it must be remembered that your content should be relevant and precise. Unlike other media of writing such as newspapers or magazines where you have the liberty to be elaborative and exhaustive, a web page limits your capabilities as far as space and time are concerned.
Content Life:
The life of a newspaper is 24 hours while for a periodical it could be a fortnight or a month. Compared to this, the life of a webpage is only about 15 seconds. Studies have revealed that a new visitor spends a maximum of 15 seconds to get interested in a web page. Once this initial interest is lost, a visitor does not come back to this site at least in the next one hundred visits. Thus, it is imperative to capture the attention of a browser in the maiden visit to your website.
Informative and Tempting:
A webpage to grab attention must be visually appealing and textually informative. Keeping the visual aspect aside, the text is the next important part of a webpage. This text or content must be created in such a manner that it is lucid and informative. Lucidity implies that your writing is neither too elementary nor too high flown. Web visitors could be of any age from 8 – 80 though the 15 – 60 is more meaningful in terms of commerce. Though Internet is used for several purposes, the single most important objective of having a web presence is brand building and proliferation of business.
For generating online business, it is important to create an interest for your product or service among website visitors. This can only be done by providing relevant information in a well laid out manner. Statements made must be specific and unambiguous. Misleading information is never entertained in a web page. You must always adopt a purposive method while writing these pages.
Structure of Content:
- Introduction – Your web content must have a brief introduction which should typically contain some striking lines and outstanding figures if possible. Only when a reader is interested by the introduction would he carry on reading your webpage further. Here it must be remembered that a new visitor only allows himself about 10 seconds to find interest in a web page.
Writing an introduction should never be ignored as it is always read first. Catchy phrases and sentences must always be made integral to the opening paragraph of your web content. Another important aspect to note here is that a visitor could be anyone between 15 and 80 years of age and your opening lines should be equally appealing to all.
- Body – The body of your page should include pertinent points related to your product or services being offered to customers. As space is limited, it is desirable to mention highlighting aspects in the form of points or bullets. This helps in capturing the attention of prospective buyers. While creating the body, care must be taken not to miss out on any outstanding feature or characteristic of the service or product being offered. Features should never be missed out and their pertinent benefits explained. Just mentioning characteristics is insufficient until their respective benefits are clearly explained to end-users.
- Conclusion – The last part of your content could be in the form of an invitation to your potential client to buy your product or service. It is a normal tendency among page writers to conclude passages abruptly which must consciously be avoided. Your passage should end in an encouraging note such that a browser is tempted to come back to your site over and over again.
This article has useful stuff which will be really useful for many content writers.
Thanks for posting it.