Social Media Mistakes To Avoid When Promoting Your Business

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By now, everyone is aware of the fact that social media is here to stay and especially when it comes to increasing the exposure of a business. Social media is a good way to gather business development data about your customers and competitors. It’s also a terrific way to show off your brand so people can see what makes you unique. Today, it is no longer an option to use social media but rather a requirement as consumers are demanding it. If you are just getting started promoting your business on social media sites here are a few mistakes you need to avoid making.


Failure to Properly Plan:

You have to determine what your main goal is if you expect your social media strategy to work. Once you have a clear goal in place, you can then determine who is going to execute your plan across your social media channels. The key to social media is to be present as much as possible so you need to be consistent in your participation and committed for the long haul.

Inconsistent Messages:

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn are all elements that form your overall social media network. You should avoid confusing your fans and followers with different messages, images and videos across all of these sites. The largest and most successful businesses out there know that a consistent message is vital to building a memorable, identifiable brand. You need to focus on doing the same thing. Be sure to use the same names as you work all of your networking sites as well as a single avatar as your profile image.

Failing to Be Social:

Social media is a place to connect to people in a language they understand and appreciate. It is not an advertising platform but rather a conversation platform. You need to focus on talking with your connections and not to them. When someone asks you a question, answer them and show some personality. People connect with brands that take the time to converse with them so don’t be afraid to be social as that’s what social networking is all about!

Sending Out Automatic Direct Messages:

It is common for a business to make the mistake of connecting with someone on Twitter and then immediately sending out an automated, direct message. There is nothing that can turn off a potential customer faster than seeing one of these spammy messages in their inbox. It is like telling someone that it’s great to meet them but what I really want to do is bomb your inbox with spam about my product or services. This is a big no-no and a sure-fire way to lose those new followers as quickly as you gain them.

These tips can be used by anyone who is using social media to promote their business ranging from law firms to mom and pop coffee shop owners. For instance, a small law firm practicing auto accident laws in Phoenix Arizona may use social media to build relationships with a virtually limitless number of potential clients.  The key to success lies in planning your strategy well, sending out consistent messages and being social so that people can feel truly connected to you.

Greg Wilson

Greg Wilson is a social media strategist. He has the chance to work with Phoenix car accident attorneys to promote their business online.

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