SEO Content – Tips to Develop a Marketable Website

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According to the search engine optimization (SEO) professionals, major search portals like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. have changed the way they used to rank websites in order of their keyword popularity and the amount of information every websites carry in their content. For instance, useful content has gathered a lot more importance with the recent updates made by Google in its Panda algorithm.

SEO Content

In this case, SEO professionals need to learn about the ways to come up with compelling website content in order to drive up organic traffic and improve its search ranking.

How to write for search engines

Here are some of the most fundamental laws of writing SEO friendly content for better search engine ranking:

  1. Keyword relevancy – The frequency of keywords with which content has been developed plays a crucial role in the search engine ranking for all websites. Moreover, there should be a logical connection between the keywords and the article. Apart from that, SEO content developers should be aware of the strategic points in an article where the keywords should be placed for better visibility.
  2. Keyword usage – The appropriate use of keywords is the most important of all the SEO strategies. These are words or phrases that convey the central theme of a website. People use a particular word or phrase to look for information or services in the search engines. Due to this fact, websites must have a well researched set of keywords in order to perform better than their competitors. These keywords must be competently used in the content for good search results.
  3. Heading optimization – Search engines put a lot of emphasis on the optimization of headings in an article. This is probably the foremost place where they look for relevancy in use of keywords with the article. However, they do check the placement of keywords in other parts of the article.
You can check the post “5 SEO Must Ask Questions” to know more about SEO tips and tricks.

Last but not least, SEO content writers should be competent enough to write short and simple sentences. Moreover, they should avoid stuffing the article with the keywords since it’s a big dampener for the search engines who may penalize a website for ‘keyword stuffing’.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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