New Email Compose Style in Gmail – Quick and Smart !

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Have you checked the new email “compose style in Gmail”? If still not then give a try. The new compose style in Gmail is just awesome, smart and fast from my quick view. I was just trying to type on Email and suddenly i experienced the new style of the Email composer in Gmail. The style is better than before. One sample look is below:



According to the new style if you click on the “Compose” tab then it will create the composer window on the right hand side corner of the screen. The composer look is simple and you will also get the addresses in the drop down if you type any letter or some letters.

Advantages of this New Compose Style in Gmail:

The new Gmail composer look is smart because this is having some great advantages which previously was not available in Gmail:

1. Faster: You will be able to check other mail box at the same time.

It happened to me many times that i was writing one email and at the same time i need one information from an email which is in trash or in some other folder. So, no way! I kept the current composed mail in draft and then checked that desired email which was just irritating.

In the new composer Gmail look there is no such annoying thing. You will be able to check all the folders at the same time. No problem at all.

2. Will Also be able to Chat and Check other Email box:

You will also be able to chat, check inbox for new email and also you are allowed to attach file. The new look is having all the existing features but the new things are added.

3. The Reply Part:

Also the reply part is very new. Now you can separate easily which is the senders email and which one you are going to write. There is a border between the reply and the inbox email. The look is below:



Gmail is better better and better day by day !!

Right now the experience with Gmail composer is just awesome. Smart idea Gmail! Hope you will also like it and will get more flexibility while using the new Gmail composer.

How you feel about this Gmail new Composer? To share your experience you can leave a comment. To spread among your people you can spead the news in social media.

Thanks for reading my post.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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