Make Post In My Blog and Get Backlink !
May be you are searching the way to get guest post in your blog.Because sometimes it is very difficult to get guest post for your blog.Cause in the beginning your blog is not having higher page rank and it is not top in the search result.But this is important to have guest post in your blog because backlinks from guest post can make your blog quality higher.But no body tells the story to get the guest post in a new blog.Everyone deals with an established blog and everyone is interested to guest post in an established blog.Cause if you guest post in an established blog with higher page rank then you will be able to get a backlink from higher page rank blog. Post like this one is the TRICK to get guest post in your new blog. 😉
In this position i am eager to get guest post in my blog.The thing which i can guarantee is that i can provide the extreme exposure to your blog.I have other blogs having higher pagerank like Teleinfo, Beautiful Bangladesh .This blog is getting better Alexa Rank day by day.As you can see this blog is only 3 months old and having good Alexa Ranking.I will share your article in the social network and you article will get the best exposure.
Currently i am searching for Guest post because i want more involvement from the people in my blog.May be my readers would love to read something from other writers and their writing will be in a different pattern.This will be beneficial for both the party.The writer party and me.Because the guest writer will get the higher exposure for his or her blog if he is having any.
Any person who is trying to promote his business is also invited to write in my blog.But the article must be quality article.
Those who want to write for my blog you can just follow the below steps:
1. Write your article not less than 450 words and send it to or you can check my “Guest Post” tab and Register there and by logging in you can post by yourself.
3. Your article must be related to my blog tag words (which are blogging tips and tricks,online money earning tips and tricks,technology related tips and technology news).
4. If you want to publish any image with your post then just send me the image.
5. Give a details author description which will be published with your post.
Hope the guest posting will be beneficial for both you and me.Looking for guest posts from your side.