Most Famous Conspiracy Theories Of The World!

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Renowned novelist Agatha Christie once said that the simplest explanation is oftentimes the solution to a problem, but there are many people who believe otherwise, and some of those people are conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists are people who believe that certain historical, political, and social events occurred through the connivance of several groups of individuals working for a common goal, and these events are called conspiracy theories from which they get their name.



Conspiracy theories are allegedly executed without the knowledge of the general public, and the fact that these conspiracies are supposedly done in secret pique the interest of many people. Throughout the years, conspiracy theorists have guessed on the undiscovered side of several world-changing events, from military operations to the spread of diseases to the death of celebrities and other notable people. And while certain conspiracy theories have lost steam and followers due to the existence of evidence pointing to the contrary of the theory that rendered them as hoaxes, there are other famous conspiracy theories that have endured and are still believed by many.

Perhaps one of the most famous and enduring conspiracy theories to this day is regarding the assassination of former United States President John F. Kennedy, who was shot several times while in his open car on November 22, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald. Authorities later deemed that Oswald had acted alone after further investigation, but several conspiracy theorists believe that Oswald was merely a pawn that was supported by a larger group of individuals who had carefully plotted his assassination, such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Mafia, and even individuals such as former Cuban President Fidel Castro, who was against the administration of Kennedy.

Other famous conspiracy theories that exist are concerned with warfare, such as the theory that Former US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was aware of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor before it happened, but choose not to inform the soldiers and the public in order to sway the masses into declaring war against the Axis powers and eventually joining the Second World War. And finally, there are conspiracy theories that are concerned with the mysterious deaths of famous celebrities, with many people claiming that they had not died and are still alive and hiding, probably to escape the public attention that has hounded them for so long.

Musicians such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson have been the targets of such conspiracy theories, with many people claiming that they have seen them in rural towns as well as in cities. However, most of the people making these claims are exposed as frauds, with some of them making such claims merely to attract attention or to boost the tourism in their area.

Almost every person indeed loves a mystery story, and a mystery story wherein several groups of people conspire to make a certain world-changing event possible makes for a good story. Mysterious deaths, ulterior motives, and secret connivance are just some of the most common things that are contained in most conspiracy theories, and as long as there are people who are ready to believe in them, conspiracy theories will be here to stay.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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