Microsoft Office 2013 is already released and the software giant Microsoft has already released this yesterday.Those who always want to get the latest software and want to use it can easily download the Microsoft Office 2013 and can get the user experience.

I have already downloaded the latest version of Microsoft 2013 preview and i am using it right now.The user experience is just awesome! The Microsoft user experience was not like this before.You will feel the difference when it will start.The screens will be like below:
You will be able to download this from Microsoft.This is the download link for Microsoft Office 2013.You will not be able to download Microsoft office 2013 directly.Rather you need to use your Hotmail user name and password to sing in to download this.After downloading the .exe file just run it and it will take some time to get all the things done.
If you want to check the features of Microsoft office 2013 then just go to this link.
When you will open the Microsoft Office 2013 word file you will get the starting page like below:

If you look into this home page you will see that there are different word document format in this page.So,the user will have the independence to choose the format according to their need.If someone need a blank document then he or she can easily choose this one.
If anyone want to use Equity Report then he or she will be able to choose that format.Which is very user friendly and people will not waste time to make those format.Rather they will be able to choose their own format.These patterns are very helpful.
This Microsoft Word 2013 is compatible with the other Microsoft word version.So,you will not face problem to use this with the old files.You will not face any problem to open the old file.
We people have done a lot of hard work to make one annual format in Microsoft word earlier.But now they are having their own formatted content table.You just need to edit those.Life will become so easy with the release of the Microsoft Office 2013.
Hope you will also love to use this.
Sorry that there is not direct download link but again providing the download link here : DOWNLOAD HERE
Added Advantages For The Blogger in Microsoft Office 2013:
1. You will be able to write for your blog spot or WordPress blog directly.

Microsoft Office 2013 How to make blog post in WordPress or blogger?
So, from the above picture you can see that there are option to post directly in Blogger or in WordPress.Just select one and you will be able to write just like blogger or in WordPress platform and will be able to directly post it.
You will also be able to directly send your word file converting in to PDF without any converting software.
You will be able to make video of your power point presentation.Just click on the video tab and your slides will get recorded and you will be able to upload it in Youtube with no time.
Check it and enjoy the stunning features of Microsoft Office 2013.