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Make Google Chrome Default Internet Browser with 5 Bonus Tips

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According to the Google’s senior vice president Sundar Pichai, there are more than 750 million monthly active users of Google Chrome till date. People want to make Google chrome default internet browser to experience a better browsing experience. I know this is a really easy task for a tech savvy person to make Google Chrome default internet browser but there are internet users who are not that tech savvy. As internet is for everyone, I am going to add this trick with another 5 bonus Google chrome trick.

1.How to Make Google Chrome Default Internet Browser:

  1. At first click on the Toolbar on the top right hand corner of Google Chrome.
  2. You will find the different tabs, click on the Settings tab.
  3. Now go to the “Default Browser” tab and select Google Chrome as your default browser.

In the above picture, you can see my default internet browser is already set to Google chrome.

2.What Are Extensions in Google Chrome?

To make your job easy, there are different extensions in Google Chrome which is available in Chrome Web Store. You can install those extensions to your browser and the extensions looks like below:

Like there are extensions for Facebook and other social networks. If you install Facebook extension in your Chrome Web Browser, you will be able to access those facilities just by clicking on the extensions. From the above picture, you can see that I have installed some extensions. The first one is a dictionary, the second one is the extension for FlipBoard. If I want to share any page on Flipboard, I click on the extension and the web page gets shared on Flipboard. Like these extensions, you can also install Facebook chrome extension which will allow you to get notification of your Facebook account.

3.How to Uninstall a Chrome Extension from Google Chrome Web Browser:

Sometimes while downloading some free software, some extensions get automatically downloaded to your chrome browser. Some viral ad networks do this stuff to get more clicks on their advertisement. So, what happens, it automatically changes your default search engine and this is really annoying. To escape from this, you will have to check the installed extensions and if you see any extension which is not installed by you, simply uninstall it from your browser and restart the browser again. Hope this will solve your problem.

4.How to Clear Browsing History from Google Chrome:

When you browse your Google Chrome browser, all the pages you browse, gets stored in Google Chrome history. This makes your browser slower which is not good for your browser experience. So. to make your browser fast this is suggested to clean your browser history time to time. To clean the Chrome Browser history,

  1. Click on the Google Chrome toolbar on the top right hand side of the Google chrome.

2. Click on the History tab to get all the previous history.

3. Click on “Clear browsing data” and clean browsing history “from the beginning of time”.

Now, you are done and you have cleared all the browsing history.

5.Set Search Engine in Google Chrome:

Google chrome is your web browser but this is not your search engine to search. The top search engines are Google, Yahoo, Ask etc. If you want to set Google as your default search engine, you will have to click on Google Chrome toolbar on the top right corner of the browser. Then click on “Settings” and you will find a tab named “Search”. You can set your default search engine there.

6. Change File Download Location Using Chrome Browser:

When you download a file using your chrome browser, it gets downloaded to a location in your computer. You can check the location by going to Google Chome Tool bar>> Settings>> Scrool down and you will find Advanced Settings >> Click on Advanced Settings>> Downloads . In “Downloads” you will find the download location of your files. If you want to change the location, click on “Change” and set the download location according to your need.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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