Law Firm Marketing: Benefits Of Using Pay-Per-Click Ads For Lawyers

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Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are highly recommended for lawyers or law firms, which is a type of online marketing strategy to reach the right people in need of legal services. PPC ads are online ads displayed in different places on the search engine results page – usually at the top for Google – and display ads partnering sites in which you pay every time someone clicks your ads.

Businessman drawing PPC – Pay Per Clik concept on blurred abstract background

In this post, you’ll learn why using pay-per-click advertising is extremely effective for law firms.

PPC Ads Have A Great Spot In Search Results

When an online user who is a potential legal client searches legal topics on Google, the top three to four listings are noticeable, which are Google AdWords advertisements. For instance, if someone searches for “Dallas Texas Criminal Lawyer,” the top results would be PPC ads. These dominant paid ads take up the entire top half part of the screen.

Content Marketing and drawing on notebook with glowing light bulbs

PPC for Lawyers is a major digital marketing investment you can make this year. Google Ads and Bing PPC ads are relatively cheaper than other marketing avenues. Also, PPC ads target people wherever and whenever they are most likely to need legal services.

Here are the two pricing models when using PPC advertising online:

  • Cost Per Impression (CPM) Model: When using a CPM model, you’re charged a certain price every 1000 times your law firm ad is shown. It means that you’ll be charged whether or not online users click on your ad.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC) Model: When using a CPC model, you’re charged every time an online user actively clicks on your law firm ad. Instead of spending your marketing budget for the bulk placement, the CPC model only charges you for every ad that a potential client has clicked or actively engaged with, which is highly recommended for law firms.

Use The Best PPC Ads For Law Firms

With PPC, you can fully control the keywords targeting high-intent searches. Pay-per-click-platforms, including Google AdWords, can help you identify the best search terms and PPC ads that are most valuable to your law firm so that you can capitalize on them.

PPC ads are the best for law firms because they are a direct form of paid advertising at a relatively affordable price.

Here are the best PPC ads for law firms:

GDN Display Ad Campaigns: Aside from displaying your law firm ads in search results, you can benefit from Google Display Network (GDN) which is composed of web pages and more than two million websites that have partnered with Google to reach more than 90 percent of internet users. This shows how much search engines and ranking systems have evolved since their inception, and are continuing to improve every day.

  • Search PPC Ad Campaigns: These search PPC ads display next to Google search results whenever online users look for similar services you’re offering. In search ad campaigns, you only pay whenever an online user clicks on your website or calls your law firm.
  • Remarketing Campaigns: It’s a feature wherein you can display ads to online users who have previously visited your law firm website. With remarketing campaigns, you can tailor your ads and bids to these visitors whenever they search on Google and other search partner sites.

Increase People’s Awareness About Your Law Firm

One of the greatest benefits of PPC ads is increasing brand awareness. Every time people search on legal matters online and your PPC ads appear you’re telling them that your law firm is always there to help them whenever they need legal services.

Being in the top searches allows you to increase people’s trust and gives your law firm great visibility online. Your PPC ads enable you to attract more potential clients in a direct manner as compared to other marketing techniques.

Get To Engage With More Potential Clients

With PPC Ads, your law firm website has a higher clickthrough rate or CTR, which refers to the ratio of online users who clicked on your PPC ad or link, to the total number of online users who viewed your ads. It’s a measure of an online advertising campaign’s success.

A high CTR means more opportunities to engage with more potential clients. It means that once your ads direct them to your landing page, you have more opportunities to showcase your legal expertise and convince them to book a free legal appointment.


Pay-Per-Click ads are a direct form of promoting your law firm to the right target audience at the right time. You’ll benefit from the increased exposure which allows more people to become aware that your law firm exists to help them resolve their legal concerns. Kickstart your online marketing strategy by starting to use pay-per-click ads.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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