How to Keep Your Smartphone Safe?

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Smartphones are one of the most prized possessions in our lives and one cannot risk losing it at any cost. Even though there are ways to insure your device and other ways to reduce this risk, there are some factors which can help you save your phone from theft or other mishaps.


Here are some of the best tips to secure your Smartphone

  • Setting a Password – One of the most easiest as well as powerful tip that need to be followed by all Smartphone users. It might sound very simple, but by setting a password for your device you are definitely securing it from various odds. The user can provide a Screen-Lock by setting an alpha-numeric password or use a Pattern lock, which sets in a design to lock the device. The user can choose to set a four digit PIN or an eight digit pass code, which is usually alpha-numeric in nature. The alpha-numeric password is much more secure than the four digit password, since the four digit password can be easily cracked using various software available.
  • Installing the Security Software – Installing security software or an anti-virus not just secures your device from malware but also comes handy with some of its enhanced features. Most of the security software offers features like locating the device, spyware, backup for contacts, or even remote wipe facility. Certain security software like Lookout Mobile Security offers its subscribed users to lock the device locks the device and wipes photographs remotely. The users can avail free or subscribed versions of this security software like –Norton, AVG, MacAfee, etc available in the market.
  • Utilizing the Remote wipe feature – The remote wipe feature is often the last resort of a user who has no clue where his device or Smartphone is. Even though a last resort it is one of the most trusted feature one can depend on to secure your data in a Smartphone. Most of the security software provides this remote wipe feature with their advanced version. The remote wipe locates the phone and erases it data like- photos, contact list, emails, business data, etc. This way you can ensure that this third party application secures your data.
  •  Using Trusted applications – This is mostly for users who utilize the third party apps, which come with hidden dangers. For the iPhone and Android platform there are millions of applications in their app store, but the user needs to be aware of the trusted applications. The major Smartphone platform like iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows offers its users trusted apps, which can be utilized by users as these are secured apps and avoid any issues that hamper the device security.
  • Apps designed for Smartphones- Other than enabling the features and security software; there are various applications in the market that can ensure the security of your device. Apps like –Find my iPhone, Lookout, Mobile Vault, LastPass Password Manager, etc. are some of the top apps that can secure your mobile phone to a great extent.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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