Social networking is very important now a days to make your blog or website popular.If you count social networking site then after Facebook the name which comes is Google Plus.To show more visibility in Google search engine this is also helpful to add one Google Plus one button in your webpage or blog.If your blog is in WordPress then it is very easy to show the Google Plus one button in your webpage. Following the below steps you can easily add one Google Plus Button in your blog (just below the blog title).
1. At first go to your WordPress admin panel and then put your user name and password.It will redirect you to the dashboard.
2. Then in the “Dashboard” if you check in the left side then you will get one “Tab” named “Plugins”. If you put your mouse on the “Plugin” tab you will see one tab in the drop down named as “Add New Tab”.
3. If you click on the “Add New Tab”, you will get a screen like below:

Steps to get the plug in to Add Google Plus One Button
In the above screen you can see that there is one blank tab to search for the new plugins.On that blank box you need to write ” wp_plus_one_button “ then click on search.Then probably you will get only one plugin as search result and you “need to Install It”.
3. After installing the” Plugin” activate it and that is all.Now you will see that the “Google Plus Button” is displaying just under your post title.
When any reader will click on your Plus one button it will count the “plus one’s” in “Google Plus”. This is a great way to show your reader about the popularity of the article or post.
If you face any further difficulty then you can also check the video in “YouTube” from where i have actually get the tips and i have implemented it in my blog. After that also if you have any question then let me know through the comment.