How Responsive Design is Useful for SEO?

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Responsive design is one of the latest trends in information technology. It is a concept which allows your website to rearrange i.e. (expand or contact) as per the size of user’s device. One of the main reasons behind increasing importance of Responsive design is the growing demand of smart phones like iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Tablet devices etc.

So, if you are not considering the relevance of Responsive web design, then you are certainly ignoring an important portion of target audience.


Now the question arises how responsive design is better than having a mobile version of website. If you have a mobile site then it is expected that the visitors might frustrate as they won’t be able to access all of the content which is on the desktop version website. On the other hand, if your website is not at all having mobile website, then it will negatively affect the mobile users’ experience as website will not load quickly on devices. As a result of it, bounce rate will increase.

In order to overcome all such issues, it is better to make your website “Responsive”. Following are the reasons from SEO view point for opting Responsive Design:

Responsive Design is good for SEO- How?

No more redirection is required from main domain to mobile version and website will work on one URL only.

Need not to have a subdomain for mobile version

No more optimization is needed for two versions of website. You can use single domain for promoting.

Better user experience can be provided as the website will work on mobile devices along with laptop and desktops.

You can reach more audience which will include mobile users too.

Responsive design will also help you in cutting down your costs on two grounds- No additional subdomain is required and only one domain will be used for promotion as mentioned above.

Google also recommends to have responsive website to provide better user experience.

Aaron Wallace

This blog post is written by Aaron Wallace an active blogger who works with leading Mobile App Development Company based in USA.

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