5 Helpful Gadgets to Use during Pregnancy

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Description: Looking for ways to make your pregnancy a little easier than it is? Well, we will help you with it. Here is a list of 5 cool gadgets that will make your pregnancy phase easy to handle and comforting indeed

PregnancyPregnancy is the most unforgettable time of your life; the hormonal highs and lows changed lifestyle and a lot of good and not-so-good stuff. Your body is going through a countless number of changes, and you have no control over it. You can just be a witness to it and wait for the baby to come. 

You are thrilled to see this new human your body has managed to make. You are way too excited to have your little baby and do everything that you have been planning for a very long time. Your baby’s first memory book, the nursery, the cradle, the videos. But time walks so slow when you are waiting for something too eagerly, isn’t it? Well, we have something that can be of help. 

No, we can’t get you a time travel machine to fast forward to the future with your little one, but we have a few fun gadgets that will make the wait less long. These gadget gifts are going to be your BFFs during this time of pregnancy. With the help of these cool electronics stuff, you will be able to get rid of your sickness and be more connected to your baby. 

The list consists of 5 gadgets; you can choose the ones that interest you the most.

A Bluebell Smart monitoring system

Keeping track of your health

A baby monitor during pregnancy? Using this gadget might sound like an absurd idea, but it’s a great idea. Bluebell monitoring system isn’t just a baby monitor gadget. This gadget is meant to help babies as well as parents. It’s great to get this system when you are pregnant because it will help you be prepared for the arrival of the little human you have been waiting for so long. 

You will be thrilled to use the parent wristband to take care of yourself. It’s one of those new tech gadgets that will keep track of your overall health. This gadget will count your steps and track your sleep, making sure that you remain to be a healthy mom-to-be. 

You can face a lot of irregularities during your pregnancy. Your physical wellness could take a backseat, your sleep cycle ruins, and let’s not forget the forever changing moods. This gadget is going to be your saviour in this phase. It is going to track your sleep and physical wellness. 

The best part is that this gadget is meant not just for the nine months of pregnancy but also beyond that time. It’s one of those must-have gadgets that remains useful forever and beyond. Could you have asked for more?

Bio Bands

Sick of morning sickness? Well, this gadget called Bio Band will come to your rescue here. All of us are very well aware that pregnancy and nausea go hand in hand. Bio band relieves nausea through acupressure. This gadget has a tiny bead on the band that presses down on your wrist and magically drives nausea far away. The bead is precisely positioned at a point known as the P-6 pressure point. When you wear the band, constant pressure is applied to that specific point making nausea vanish. 

The next morning of wearing this gadget, you would be surprised to see that there will be no morning sickness. And the best part is that there are no chemicals involved that go inside your body and may have side effects.

Wondering how this gadget works? Well, there are two theories for the same. One is that this gadget interrupts your nervous system signals regarding the nausea symptoms in the body. The other theory is that the P-6 acupressure points help in the release of endorphin neurotransmitters that make it behave as a natural painkiller. 

This is one of those smart home gadgets that you must use. It will cost you around $12. 


Playing music to the baby

As you wait for your baby to come, you must be wondering if your child is going to be like her or not? Will the baby have your features? And prefer the same ice-cream? What kind of music would he/she prefer? Well, there is no gadget to figure everything out, but here is the good news. You can still inspire your baby’s music taste with yours. 

It is a known fact that a baby’s hearing is fully developed at 20 weeks, meaning that it can hear from the womb. It also implies that they can listen to your music too. There are new gadgets like Bellybuds that will align your music taste with your baby’s. This amazing gadget helps you play music and recordings through the baby bump in a nice and comfortable frequency for the baby.

Usually, noise travels well through the little baby-in-progress, but Bellybuds keeps the sound safe. It will help you and your baby bond over music, even before he/she is born. The gadget costs about $50.

So, what’s your baby going to listen to? Some lovely lullabies? Classics? Pop? 

Babyplus Prenatal Education System

You can strengthen your baby’s early cognitive development in the womb with this gadget. It is one of the best gadgets that contains a set of sound lessons. It consists of patterns of sounds that are similar to a maternal heartbeat. The cognitive process teaches the baby a particular series of lessons around differentiating among various kinds of natural sounds. This gadget helps the baby to form memories even before birth and increases its ability to self-soothe, become more responsive, and establish healthy sleep patterns.

Using this gadget is like taking a prenatal vitamin. Simply turn on the gadget and do anything that you like. Meanwhile, the baby will listen to the sounds for an hour each day. The cost of the device is $135. Little expensive, but the investment is going to be worth it.

In the long term, the babies show a better attention span, are more alert, and learn anything quickly. 

AngelSounds Fetal Doppler

Sonogram Picture

Remember the first time you had a sonogram? The first time you saw a life actually growing in you? Wasn’t it a beautiful experience? You could see and listen to the heartbeats of your baby. Felt like magic, right? 

How about you could do it every day? Not the seeing part, but listening to your baby’s heartbeats whenever you feel like doing so? After 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy, the heartbeat could be felt.

So, that would be an ideal time to purchase electronic gadgets that help you connect to your little one in the womb itself. 

It is a very easy-to-use gadget that comes with a recording cable as well. Not just that, you can listen to the heartbeats, but you can record it as well. The file could be saved in MP3 or WAV format. And you can send it to all your near and dear ones. The soundtrack can be put to use to comfort the baby when it’s born. 

To Sum Up…

It’s fascinating how many gadgets and gear make our lives better and help us be close to our loved ones, even those who aren’t born yet! During your pregnancy, when you are seeking physical and emotional comfort, we hope that these 5 home gadgets help you make this time more memorable and relaxing. With these gadgets, the unending wait won’t seem that long, and you will start to live in the moment.

If you have any other suggestions about some other gadget, do let us know. Your opinion is valuable, and we would love to incorporate it into our work. 

Thank you for reading!

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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