Security is paramount in the corporate world, and that’s why the LOK-IT secure flash drive ranks high on our list. The concept of data encryption is nothing new, but most drives are still susceptible to information being copied and decrypted later. LOK-IT offers hardware authentication, requiring a pin code to be entered on a keypad built into the drive itself. Without that code, the drive is rendered as nothing more than a paperweight. It’s data security at its finest.
Microsoft’s Surface is one particular gadget that an executive shouldn’t be without. Surface ads have been all over the television for the last couple of months, but the premise is simple enough for anyone who’s not yet familiar. It’s a tablet with a kickstand and a detachable keyboard accessory. This means that Surface is able to smoothly switch from a tablet form factor to a laptop and back again.
Of course, any executive looking into the Surface would want to go with the Pro edition. The more limited R/T edition lacks the ability to run most desktop applications, and is instead restricted to running apps specifically built for Microsoft’s new Modern UI that was introduced with Windows 8. The Pro edition of Surface allows the gadget to run any application, including legacy Windows programs. When versatility isn’t an optional feature, Surface Pro is the smart pick.
Some executives are already looking beyond the PC era and are choosing to bypass Windows 8 entirely in favor of an iPad. This is fair enough: The iPad defines what a tablet should function like in 2012. Executives choosing to stick with just an iPad will want to pick up a different gadget, too. The Ultrathin Keyboard Cover by Logitech is a magnetic keyboard that docks the iPad and makes text entry much more effective. With built-in function keys and a finish to match the iPad, the Ultrathin Keyboard Cover makes the iPad more of a productivity tool than ever.
Whatever computing platform an executive goes with, many of them will be using it and their smartphone for extended hours. A wall outlet isn’t always readily accessible, and sometimes it’s not an option to stop and plug in. A portable charger is almost a must-have. There are a number of different options available in this category. Products like the Mophie Juicepack function as cases and allow recharging without stopping, while others are simple battery backups with connections for all different cables.
Not every gadget has to be strictly for business, though. Being in the office or on the road a lot means that certain creature comforts are necessary, and one of those should be a way to enjoy music. The Jambox is a portable Bluetooth speaker that delivers stunning sound in a small, portable package. For any executive who enjoys listening to music, the Jambox is a sure bet for quick entertainment. It also functions as a speakerphone, making it perfect for conference calls and to use as a tax write-off.
With the right gadgets, executives and anyone aspiring to reach that level can maximize their productivity. The products listed here will boost energy levels and make work more efficient. For executives and their employers, that’s a win-win.