Facebook Introduced Hashtags – What are the Benefits?

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Friends do you know that Facebook has already introduced their new feature which is named as “hashtags”? If you do not know about this then i am going to tell you briefly in this post about what is hashtag is! Hashtag is nothing but tagging anything with the symbol “#”. Like if you want to tag the word “Friend” then if you put a hash (#) just before the word “Freind” then the word will get tagged and the tags are clickable. The Facebook hashtags will look like below:


You can see from the above picture that the word “Bangladesh” is hashtagged in the above status. This is cool!

An user will be able to click on those tags and in a new window information related to that word will get displayed. Like if you are tagging the name of your country in your hashtag, then if someone click on that tag, then he or she will be able to see related things with your country which are posted previously or already exist on Facebook.

Sometimes people want to share something in their status or in their shares or comments which are not very common or people are not familiar with those. In those cases, it will be very helpful for those who do not know about the actual topic. People will tag those unfamiliar terms and people who do not know about those will be able to click on those and will get the information easily.

Facebook has already started the facility in a good number of countries and within the coming week, they will cover the whole service area. From my point of view this is a cool idea from Facebook. Those are just like links or urls in a website.

You can also check my post to avoid news feed from friends in Facebook. This is also an interesting tips for Facebook users.

What is your thinking about this hashtag? Have you already tried this new feature or it is still not working with your account? Do you think this is going to help peple to clear a lot of things just with the # symbol or it is boring? Share your feelings through comments!

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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