Dashboard Cam: The Ultimate Eye Witness for Car Accidents

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We’ have all seen the images they produce: during police chases, on highway patrol stops, capturing crazy car accidents, and even watching tornadoes approach.

We even shorten the name of the basic unit; no longer requiring the three syllables of cam-er-a but just cam; you know, like web cam. Only on the roadway the camera is affixed to your vehicle’s dashboard, and thus dashboard cam or maybe even just dash cam.

Whether it’s a San Diego or Dallas accident attorney, they can tell you that eyewitnesses, as well as footage from a dash cam can be vital in any court proceeding.


They’re not standard equipment yet, but their popularity may be trending in that direction. Dash cams can prove their value even if there’s not an accident. They also can show you inside the car, as well as the roadway, and some register GPS data. But more on that later. 

‘Entertainment’ Value?

For everything there is a website, and motor vehicle accident dash cam videos are not excepted. One popular site even features a rating system on the videos. Near-miss accidents in which no-one is injured carry a “G” rating while fatalities are ranked “MA” for mature audiences; viewer discretion advised. “PG” is somewhere in the middle.

On Youtube, a search of “car accidents” will quickly indicate that the Russians rule. A report in Wired earlier this year explained that “The sheer size of the country, combined with lax — and often corrupt — law enforcement, and a legal system that rarely favors first-hand accounts of traffic collisions has made dash cams all but a requirement for motorists.” 

The U.S. Market:

A dash cam-selling website explained that about 70 percent of its customers are professional drivers, usually the big-rig operators. Since a poor driving record can nullify their livelihood, they’re the first to recognize the eyewitness value of dash cam recordings in accident investigations.

Currently, rear-view cameras are more prominent in U.S. passenger cars. But while a better view when operating in reverse is desirable, a dashboard marketer poses the question:

“Why risk higher insurance premiums, traffic citations and other potential legal obstacles that could damage your lifestyle and reputation when an easy and affordable solution is available?”

In an interview with CBS News earlier this year,1 the marketer recounted a story of a truck driver approached by police at a truck stop with the intention of arresting him for road rage. The police had seen a cell-phone video from an automobile driver with whom he’d had an encounter. The truck driver showed police his dash cam video of the entire incident, and was not arrested, according to the dash cam seller. 


Like a DVR or other consumer electronics, features determine the price of a dash cam but a web search displayed numerous basic options between $60 and $150. Power is generated from a cigarette lighter and installation is similar to mounting a GPS.

And while their called dash cams, a lot of cameras are actually mounted on the windshield. The CBS legal analyst said the cam can be no larger than 5 square inches if mounted on the driver’s side, or 7 square inches on the passenger side. 


As an emerging technology, legality and admissibility in court proceedings2 may still involve a degree of guesswork from state to state. There is concern about violating eavesdropping laws in some jurisdictions. This would occur when a conversation between other people – not involving you — is recorded.

The jury is still out, but if the conversing parties are close enough for your cam to record, it may be reasonable that you had a non-speaking role in the discussion.

Driver Monitoring :

Imagine the possibilities! Want to know how a teen driver or an employee operates your car? With GPS data, you’ll know exactly where they traveled. With a 2-way cam, you can see everything transpiring inside the car. 

There’s even a $2,000 camera that records a 360-degree view.

Terry Duschinski

Terry Duschinski, writer/blogger, suspects the next best thing to a Dallas accident attorney is probably dash cam video footage.

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emma @ car camera
emma @ car camera
10 years ago

Interesting blog, come look at our footage on our website

10 years ago

Without a doubt advancement in technology makes our life more comfortable and less complicated. Cool dash cam is very handy and useful in our everyday life. It is very interesting. Thanks for sharing this one Terry. It is really awesome!

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