From my own experience and a publisher of Chitika I must say that Chitika is changing their marketing strategy and their ad format a lot. The time is near when Chitika will be close to Google Adsense Ads. Though I believe that Chitika need to do real hard work to do so but they are changing also. The change is amazing.
You can see also: Easily Monetize Blog With Chitika and Earn Quickly! to know how to easily monetize your blog. This is a real alternative of Google Adsense. Low payment threshold if you have Paypal. Pays every month if you can cross the threshold. If you are using it with WordPress blog then you can earn more because you will upgrade to Gold level. Chitika is must if your traffics are mostly from USA or Canada. You can make the best out of it. You can click the below banner to Sign Up as a publisher in Chitika ad network.

Recently I have got one email in my inbox which is Chitika newsletter email and got to know that Chitika is now supporting only Image or Rich Text Ads! This is really needed. Some webmasters really need ads which are image ads because if they insert Text ads in their website, it makes the website visitors feel bad. Websites like photography websites or websites containing videos and pictures really does not suit with text ads. Also it is very important to show image ads to compete the ad market and attract the visitors. So, i think this is very intelligent and good move by Chitika.
Check the post How to Show Chitika Ads Just Below Post Title in Blogspot? or How to Add Adsense or Chitika Ads in Blog Header? to know some tricky Chitika ad placement.
How to Enable Only Image or Rich Text Ads for Chitika?
This is a very simple task to enable Image only or Rich Text Ads for Chitika. But from my point of view if you are a website owner where you have lot of content then you can also get benefited from Text Ads also. I hope you know the reason. Because Chitika ads shows according to the search word which is been searched by the visitors. So, if the visitor is really interested then he or she will click on the ads.
To enable only Image or Rich Text Ads > Log In to your Chitika publisher account > then go to Account> then Account Settings and here you will be able to change the setting from the drop down menu of Ad settings. The picture is below:
So, dear blogger’s there is another advantage added in Chitika, you can really use it as Google adsense alternative. Or the interesting thing is that you can also use it with Google Adsense also. Sign up for Chitika and earn some additional bucks from your blog.
You may have question that why am i not using Chitika ads in my blog? Actually this is one of my blog. I am using Chtika ads in all other blog. I have different plan for this particular blog. But i truly recommend for Chitika ad networks.