Best Web Hosting Plan for Beginners for WordPress

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Using WordPress is the best way to start a site because this is a great platform that already includes all the stuff you need for just about any type of website. Thanks to the dedicated plugin support and theme customization, you are free to bring in a variety of experiences to your users, it all comes down to finding the right web hosting plan for beginners. But to host your website or blog in WordPress you need to choose a hosting provider and choose a hosting plan to host your WordPress blog. So, what is the best web hosting plan for beginners for WordPress blogs? The below points will answer the question.

Get a Shared Hosting Plan:

As a beginner you don’t have to acquire the dedicated WordPress plan which is around $100 per year, there are cheaper and better performing options  and one of the best is definitely the shared hosting plan. If you want to know more about the plans of web hosting and you want to know the meaning of shared or dedicated hosting, you can read What is Web Hosting? An Article for Beginners and Pro.

What the shared hosting plan does is that it offers you access to all the tools that you might need in order to host the website files and it’s also one of the most affordable options when it comes to best web hosting plan for beginners. This is the most commonly used type of hosting for a reason, because not only does it help you keep your files and it supports your site’s traffic, but it also allows you to manage your site in any way you want without any restrictions. I also use HostGator shared hosting plan (Hatchling plan) for my blog and I am using this plan for the last 4 years without any interruption. Below are some important reasons why the shared hosting plan is so popular.

Small Costs

The shared hosting option is inexpensive most of the time, usually you can spend anywhere between $30-$50 for a fully year of hosting, so you do get an immense value and a price reduction when compared to other similar hosting type. What also makes this service the best web hosting for beginners is that you can customize it sometimes and that can even help you cut from the already low price which is always a major plus.

Recommended: Why I am Using Hostgator as Hosting Company for the Last 4 Years


Once you use this best web hosting plan for beginners you don’t have to worry about people not being able to access your site. Sure, the server resources will be shared with other sites, but each one of the sites can receive tens of thousands of visitors per day without having to deal with any issues. That’s what really makes shared hosting great, because you know the users will have a very good speed and once your files are on the server they will be backed up and accessible anywhere in the country or world.


Considering the price you pay, this type of web hosting for beginners is by far the most efficient and the best bang for your buck. It really helps take the experience to new heights and that’s what truly makes the experience stand out. It’s not only very simple, it also delivers an immense value and with around 98% (HostGator shared hosting gives you around 99.99% up time) up-time or even more than that, you do get an immense value and the outcome is surely well worth it.

Great Support

Shared hosting has a very good support system, which means that if you do have any issues, if your files are missing or you can’t access them, you can get the issue solved in a matter of minutes. That’s what really makes web hosting for beginners stand out, because not only does it offer an immense value, it does take the experience to new heights and you will definitely appreciate that! My WordPress web hosting company HostGator has an awesome 24×7 customer support which is award winning and always solves my problem.

If you want to obtain the best web hosting plan for beginners and also save money, then shared hosting is definitely the option you need to choose. Refined, affordable and with great support, this is the ultimate solution if you are a beginner and want to get the best possible experience without investing too much for your WordPress site!

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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8 years ago

Hi Himadri,
I have read your full blog post. It’s very nice post. I think this Hostgator really good. But
1and1 hosting network is not poor.
Thanks for sharing this post.

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