To add blog to Technorati provides a lot of free traffic to your blog.Technorati is a high quality blog search website which will provide you the latest and quality blogs over the internet.M3FXT5QD33TU
Technorati is not only a high quality blog directory and blog search website but also it ranks the blogs.Technorati regularly ranks the blogs which are added in this blog directory.So,you can understand that how important it is to add blog to Technorati or get your blog indexed in Technorati! If your blog gets a rank within 10 under any category then this is for sure that you will get a lot of traffic from Technorati.For the new bloggers this is also very important to add blog to Technorati because it will index your blog in the search engine quickly.
How To Add Blog To Technorati :
If you are new to Technorati then you need to complete three steps to add blog to Technorati.The three steps are Register, Submit Your Blog and Claim the Token In Your Blog. Please keep in mind that always submit your site under right category and do not try to make the submission quickly because this the portfolio of your blog in the prestigious blog directory Technorati.
1. Register In Technorati:
At first go to Technorati and register in Technorati.Please fill the registration with correct information because you need to confirm the activation link.After confirming the activation link go to the Profile page and you will see the option My claimed blogs like below:
Now write your blog url in the “Start a blog claim” box and then click Claim button to add blog to Technorati.
2. Add Description and Details of Your Blog To Add Blog To Technorati:
Now after clicking on Claim you will get the Add Details page like below:
Now fill all the blank fields with the appropriate and correct information.The most important thing is to select the right category.Because if you list your blog in the wrong category then you will not get the right reader of your blog and they will not stay or visit your blog.So,do it wisely.
A lot of newbie blogger will face problem while getting the feed url.To get the feed url just follow what i say.Go to FEED BURNER and add your blog url.Then when you blog will get added then just click on Edit Feed Url and copy the feed url from the tab that is shown in the picture:

Feed Url of Tech N Techie
Now you just copy and paste the feed url in the Technorati Feed URL box.Hope new blogger will be able to do it.
When you are done you need to click on the “Proceed to next step”.After that you will receive one mail in your email address which you have provided while registration in Technorati.You will get one TOKEN and you need to publish this token in one of your post.This is must.Because Technorati uses blog feed and if Technorati does not get this in you blog feed it will not index your blog.So,just make one new post and add the TOKEN technically.If you check the post you will see that i have added the token in the second line.This is easy.
3. Claim Your Blog In Technorati:
The last step which is remaining is to claim your blog.Just go to your profile page and you will see that below your blog it is written “Check Claim”.Click on that and if you have correctly entered the token in the post then your blog will be successfully added.Your blog will be visible in Technorati just after 24-72 hours and when it will be visible you will get one email.
This process will only take 5-10 minutes.So, do it and enjoy traffic in your blog.
thanks a lot i just applied my blog