6 Hints on How to Write an Excellent Blog Post

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Writing a good post is an easy thing to do: all you need to do is to choose an interesting topic and remember all the spelling and grammar rules. However, you’ll need more than just that in order to create a post that isn’t simply good but excellent.

What if I tell you that you don’t even need to do much in order to make your posts more appealing and attract more traffic to your blog? All you need to do is to use these six simple tips in your writing.

1.    an Intro Really Matters.

Many bloggers know that an intro (as well as a headline) is one of the most important parts of any post. While a headline catches readers’ initial attention, an intro is a thing encouraging them to continue reading the post. At the same time, not all writers actually do work hard on their intros: some make them too unappealing and some make them too long.

Remember that while an intro should consist of a few sentences only, these sentences should be really catchy. Pay more attention to them and try to come up with an intro that you think would encourage you to read the whole post.

2.    Aim for Series Instead of One Post.

I’ve seen a lot of articles that would look much better if they were divided in a few more detailed ones. We all know that list blog posts (like “5 reasons to use a custom writing service” or “5-step tutorial to start a blog”) are the most appealing to the readers. However, while the first example does look well, the second one definitely needs a bit more depth. If you want to write a proper tutorial that is both interesting and detailed (and that’s what the audience is usually looking for), one post probably won’t be enough. Sure, you can make this post very big, but there’s a limit to how much time your audience wants to spend on reading it.

Try to come up with a series of posts instead. For example, make one about choosing the right blogging platform, another one dedicated to picking your niche, and so on.

3.    Use Precise and Simple Words.

All experienced marketers and writers know that the choice of words does actually matter a lot. That’s why you have to make the most out of it. Don’t make your posts look too smart (unless you are writing for a serious business blog) or too pretentious. Choose the words that do sound simple but are strong enough to deliver the message and impress the readers.

Try to keep sentences short too. After all, you don’t want your audience to lose track of your thoughts in the middle of the sentence.

4.    Remember About the Structure.

Even the biggest and the most complex posts become easier to read when properly structured. Make the paragraphs short so they are easy to read. Use the lists instead of simply listing a number of things in a row. Use subheadings too as they help the readers to identify the main points of your posts and to read only about the things that seem the most interesting. This way they’ll be able to skim through your post even if they don’t have much time to read it all.

5.    The Headlines Matter.

Knowing that a headline has to be catchy, some bloggers overdo it. They come up with truly interesting headlines that, unfortunately, have nothing to do with the text of the post. Such headlines usually leave the audience feeling deceived and angry because they didn’t get what they came for.

Try to make your headlines not only interesting but also informative. If both things are impossible to achieve in one headline, aim for the “informative” part. Even if your headline won’t attract as much attention as you want, at least the readers will know what to expect.

6.    Add a Personal Touch.

Even if you are a very experienced blogger, aiming to offer your readers only unique content, there’s a possibility that you won’t be able to do that all the time. Sometimes, we just have to write on topics which aren’t unique, but are still interesting. However, this doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to make them more original.

You can do so by adding a personal touch to such posts. In fact, you have to add this personal touch to your posts each time it seems appropriate. After all, it’s not only content that makes you interesting to your audience – it’s the personality too.

Use personal examples, tell stories, share your experience – that’s what many people are looking for while reading blogs.

I hope that these tips will help you make your posts more appealing to the audience and grow your traffic. If you also have some tips that you want to share, feel free to do so in the comments below.

Kevin Nelson

Kevin Nelson started his career as a research analyst and has changed his sphere of activity to writing services and content marketing. Currently, Kevin works as a part-time writer at the BreezeWriting. Apart from writing, he spends a lot of time reading psychology and management literature searching for the keystones of motivation ideas. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

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