5 Tips to Consider Before You Have Your CD Pressed

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Having your CD pressed is incredibly important when you are getting ready to distribute your music or information. While this is usually an exciting time, it can turn sour if you forget to check your CD before it’s pressed. A simple error can make your CD look horrible once the pressing is done. You should consider these five things before you get your CD duplicated.



You should look at the files before the CD is pressed. Most CDs have audio files, but there are a number of people that sell digital books and information through CDs. You need to listen to or look at the files to ensure that they are correct. Make sure that the songs are in order, that everything is how it should be and check for any errors.


The CD artwork and booklet are also incredibly important. Many people buy a CD simply because the artwork looks good. Not only that, but a problem with the artwork can make your CD cover hard to see or unappealing to the eye. One of the most common mistakes is that people forget to convert their artwork to CMYK.

Failing to do this results in a much darker image that is difficult to see. You should also go through the artwork to ensure that all of the images and colors are correct.

Text and Layout:

Most music and information CDs have a lot of text, and you need to proofread the text and check the layout to ensure that everything is right. Usually a small error might make your lyrics a little nonsensical, but there are times when an error can cost you a lot of business.

For example, if you misspell your website address, then you might send people to someone else’s website. A bad layout can also make the text shift dramatically to one side after the printing is done. Printing a test copy will usually ensure that the layout is correct.

Copyright Notice:

Every creative work needs a copyright notice. This is usually a small addition that people leave for last, but there are a number of people that forget this small notice. If you don’t add this notice, then people might misuse your music or information. You may have a hard time stopping them if the copyright notice and the applicable rights aren’t added to the CD.

Just read the notice once or twice to ensure that your rights are clearly stated. This ensures that you have the right to sue people if they misuse your work.


The last thing you should check is the barcode. If the barcode isn’t right, then your product might be improperly priced, or stores might have a hard time selling your CDs because the register won’t recognize the product. Read the barcode numbers to ensure they are right. You should also ensure that the barcode is in the right area, as it might cover part of your artwork if the layout is wrong.


Getting your CD pressed is an exciting time, but you might waste a lot of time and money if you don’t check everything before getting it duplicated. One or two errors can cost you thousands of dollars. Just go through the CD a few times to ensure that everything is right before getting it duplicated.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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