5 Great Educational iPad Games for Kids

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If you are looking for some great games that your children can play on the iPad, then look no further. We have searched long and hard to find the best educational and entertaining titles currently available on the market. The iPad has quickly become one of the most popular handheld devices, as it sports an impressive array of features and processing power. It is also considered by many to be one of the most kid-friendly models, due to its easy to use platform.

The mobile gaming arena has grown markedly in the last couple of years, with a wealth of games being geared towards children. That being said, there are some that all parents should have installed, as they have proved to be both functional and enjoyable. Here is a quick overview of the top 5 educational iPad games. Your son or daughter will enjoy hours of fun and you will be glad knowing that their time will be well-spent. To top it all off, the best thing about these titles is that they are very affordable (most cost just a couple dollars).


iPad Games for Your Child

  • Super Why – Based off the hit television show on PBS, this game is excellent at teaching kids how to read, write and spell. It features a number of mini-games that will challenge your little one’s creative mindset. With live character appearances that offer assistance for the puzzle-solving adventures, your child will definitely not be bored.
  • Hangman – This one is great for both children and adults. The timeless classic has been digitized and has enough vocabulary puzzles to keep you and your kid entertained for a long time. Fancy graphics can certainly catch attention, but nothing is better than replay value, and that is what Hangman has to offer.
  • The Oregon Trail – Many adults probably remember playing this game in elementary school computer class.  While younger children may have a hard time understanding the concepts, this title is fun for older kids. It teaches them about history and also engages them in strategic play which requires the user to make decisions that have an impact on character development (i.e. what path to choose or what should be done about typhoid fever.)
  • RoomBreak – Simple and to the point, this clever game is all about the art of escaping. Your son or daughter will be forced to put on their thinking cap in order to be successful, as each successive level becomes harder than the previous one. The concept of unlocking a door may seem mundane, but you can’t go wrong with a title that has been downloaded by millions.
  • Stack the Countries – Consider this geography 101. You will be surprised at just how much your child will know about the places around the world after playing this game. The thing that makes this one so popular is its unique teaching method. Rather than presenting the information in a strictly logical way (i.e. making your child memorize and regurgitate names), it engages their creative side by allowing them to draw the shape of the country in question. Many people learn better with visual aids, so it is no wonder why Stack the Countries is at the top of the list.

Russell Billings

Russell Billings is a freelance writer from Iowa. More of his work can be seen on his website and in Big Fish iPad Games

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