4 Smart Ways to Use Broadband Internet Connection

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As connection speeds increase and broadband plan prices decrease, internet users must learn how to make full use of their high-speed internet subscription. Here are some smart ways to use broadband internet connection.

From saving money to saving time, you can certainly make your broadband connection count. Here are four smart ways to exploit your existing broadband internet connection.

Save Money With VoIP:

Make free phone calls using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). VoIP calls to mobile phones and landlines carry a cost, but VoIP per minute rates are far more affordable than those offered by regular telephony. Moreover, international calls using VoIP carriers are cheaper than calls made through standard telephone systems. Apps are also available to let you do video conferencing. The higher your connection speed and bandwidth allowance, the better the IP calling experience.

However, there are disadvantages in using VoIP calling. It is susceptible to power failures and emergency calls may be difficult to accomplish when you use your high-speed internet connection to make phone calls. The nature of IP calling makes it hard to pinpoint the geographical location of a certain network user. Compare that with a fixed phone line that is directly associated with a specific physical location.

Some examples of VoIP services are Google Voice, Skype, Vonage, and Yahoo Messenger.

Protect Your Home or Your Place of Business:

You can protect your home using your broadband connection and a webcam. You can rig an inexpensive home surveillance system, which you can monitor in real time using software like HomeCamera.

HomeCamera is free, supports up to four webcams at a time, and lets you remotely observe different camera feeds on any web-enabled mobile device or desktop computer.

Other similar apps you can use to set up a home surveillance network are Ivideon, My Webcam Broadcaster, Ugolog, Vitamin D, WebcamXP, and Yawcam.

If you own a store, IP cameras can watch over your cash register. You can also monitor your employees, prevent theft, and identify customer service problems. Do away with closed-circuit video cameras and clunky analog tapes. With your broadband internet connection, you can access your IP cameras using a web browser, a smartphone app, or any tablet-compatible app.

Remote-Control Your Desktop Computer for Maximum Mobility:

Your broadband internet subscription makes it possible for you to access your files everywhere, even the ones in your desktop computer. Online storage and file-sharing sites let you upload and download documents, images, videos, and other files so you can access them through your Wi-Fi-connected personal mobile device.

Just be careful when you access confidential information using a public Wi-Fi network because hotspots are not secure and can be easily hacked.

Run Your Virtual Office:

Cloud-based services running through your high-speed internet connection can help you streamline your business and even run it from the comforts of your home. That way, you save on overhead costs like renting an office space and buying office equipment for your employees. With your broadband connection, you can supervise your remote workers, share data, hold virtual meetings, and do video collaboration.

2013 sees an explosion on mobility, cloud-based migrations of small businesses and large enterprises, and the rise of virtual office environments. Your broadband internet connection is a vital tool to efficiently run your business.

K. Ong is the author of this article and points out that there are ways that you can maximize use of your connection from orange home to save money in other areas.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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