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Your Best Content Creation Strategies for 2019

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Every good digital media consultant knows that content is everything. If you want to attract new customers, you need to have interesting and exciting content that will drive consumers back to you. To create your best content today, there are a few guidelines you need to follow.

1. Plan Ahead
Having a strategy and editorial calendar will take you far. If you’ve managed to get loyal customers by posting random content, you won’t keep them for long, and your emails will begin looking like spam. Having a series of blogs planned out keeps you on track and gives readers something to look forward to.

2. Break it Down
Part of planning ahead can be looking at what topics you can break down into smaller articles. For every piece of large content you can usually get eight more in depth posts. This again is a great way to create a series and give interested readers a reason to follow your blog.

3. Be Specific
Whatever you’re talking about do so with specificity. Being general means being boring. It may be safer, but you’ll never gain a large audience by backing down from specific topics or viewpoints. You can read the article about how to write a blog post.

4. Focus on the Right Metrics
Views, downloads, and plays are an indicator of high quality content and good opportunities to re-target potential customers, but it doesn’t mean you’re getting consumers to the conversion stage. Judging your businesses success solely on likes and retweets only leads to false conclusions.

5. Let the Audience Participate
If you really want some new and unique content. Consider hiring someone from your readership to write an article. This will allow customers to engage with the company and is often times more successful than company created content.

6. Go Mobile
Before creating a website or posting content, make it mobile friendly. Almost everyone has a smart phone and the number one thing people will do while waiting at the doctor’s office is browse online content with their smart phone. The number one way to ensure you lose customers is having a website that takes a long time to load. It only takes seconds for a viewer to get tired of waiting. Every time this happens you’re saying goodbye to a sale opportunity.

7. Find and Use Talk Triggers
If you use words or ideas that are trending or controversial at the time, you will be virtually guaranteed a repost. Not to mention your blog could come up in common SEOs. This is a great technique, but should be used with caution as hot topics can both excite and anger people. SEO Melbourne can help you to sort out your SEO needs.

8. Update Content to Fit each Platform2
Each social media platform is different and should be treated differently. If you’re going to post the same content to multiple platforms, make sure you update the content for each platform. Most people have one main platform they will go to for information and updates. If your article isn’t easily accessible on this platform, they will not bother trying to find it somewhere else.

9. Quality over Quantity
It can be tempting to create new content daily and send it out in an email subscription letter, but if content is sent too often, it just becomes annoying, and people will start to ignore all of your emails. This makes your content less valuable and will most likely make your content go down in quality, because you aren’t focusing on really developing good content.

10. Vary Content Types
Written content has value, but it isn’t the only way to gain an audience. With so many different ways to get your message and brand out there it is crazy to only write. Using video, snaps, tweets, and podcasts are all great ways to get a quick message out, and can be more effective than a long blog post.

It can be difficult to create quality content and gain new followers. In the list above you’ll find plenty of suggestions to update your content and create a more consumer friendly blog. The goal here is to capture the audience’s attention and you won’t be able to do this with slowly loading pages, lengthy articles, and safe topics. Take your business to the next level this year.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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