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Why All The Fuss About Twitter Bootstrap?

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Twitter Bootstrap is revitalising the way developers understand and use heavy duty code. Released in August 2011, it was already the most popular development toolset on online project hosting site GitHub by February 2012, making the internet world spin as a result.

But what does Twitter Bootstrap actually do and why should you use it?

Put simply, Twitter Bootstrap is a set of tools for creating web applications (such as template files and JavaScript extensions) that can be downloaded for free. The release has allowed Twitter to cross over seamlessly from controlling the world of social media and it is now revitalising the creation and development of websites and apps – making their production both easier and faster.

If you don’t already use Twitter Bootstrap, now is the time to switch.

1. Individuality

Twitter Bootstrap is used across the internet but is highly customisable, allowing you to create your own unique website and apps. The nature of Bootstrap allows you to search through its core to select the parts you want and to discard the parts you simply don’t need. To some, parts of Bootstraps are unnecessary whereas to others they are the core of their website; Bootstrap’s flexibility allows you to tailor your development to suit your own needs.

2. SpeedyProduction

As the Bootstrap library already contains all the code you will ever need for your production and development, Bootstrap users can save hours by not having to tediously write lengthy codes for their websites and apps. Simply select the code you need and fit it into the structures you want, allowing you to spend more time on other aspects of your website.

3. It’s Consistent

Twitter Bootstrap was originally developed in response to the inconsistencies faced by developers working on their own projects that were causing both developers and web users to suffer. Bootstrap contains a central set of code and so users can now expect the same levels of consistency as Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox.

4. Evolving

Other programmes such as JQuery UI update twice a year, with Bootstrap users can expect a constantly developing programme. With regular updates available, as soon as problems are noticed or reported Twitter Bootstrap’s development team immediately begin working on a solution to fix the problem.

5. Seeing off the Competition

Other similar programmes do exist. Already pitted against the like of JQuery UI and HTML 5 Bolierplate, Twitter Bootstrap has emerged as the real market leader with only Zurb Foundation seen as a real competitor. Long established Bootstrap already contains codes, third party plugins and a huge range of features which Foundation does not and so is struggling to keep up.

Some suggest Bootstrap contains too many features and is not as slim line as the likes of Zurb Foundation but given that users can pick and choose the features they like, Bootstrap is as flexible as you like.

6. Big Business

If you have some pre-existing knowledge of web production Bootstrap does not require a lot of time spent learning its features. From the viewpoint of an employer, Bootstrap can be handed to an employee and allows for an immediate and consistently high level of both efficiency and performance.

Twitter Bootstrap is fast developing and so is the only option for your website and app production.

What do you guys think of Twitter Bootstrap and is all the hype deserved?

Liam Thomas

Liam Thomas is an avid blogger who frequently uses social media and has a keen interest in web development. He recommends Greensplash.

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