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Web Design vs Web Development

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Web design and web development often go hand in hand, however there is a certain difference between the two when it comes to providing services for a particular business. For some individuals it can be pretty obvious, while others may not fully understand what the real difference is. In this article we will explain how these two notions differ and what they have in common.

Web Design:

Generally web design stands for both usability of a website and its look and feel. Web designers use a variety of programs for design purposes, such as Adobe Master Collection Creative Suite 6, Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe InDesign CS6 and Adobe Photoshop CS6, as well as Gimp and Corel Draw, to build different layouts and other visual parts of the site.

Web design is a part of the website which will be faced by a client at some point. Therefore web designers are particularly involved in the interface of the site and the way clients interact with it – its navigation.

It is highly recommended to consider the website objectives of a customer. Then it is also important to move forward to information architecture and adjust a so called hierarchy, where the web design process can be guided through upon request. After that designers may begin with building wireframes and get to the design stage. They can apply a few fundamental design approaches to reach esthetically delightful layout that in addition has perfect user experience.

The Major Design Approaches:

Web Development

Web development generally means the backend of a website, in other words the programming part of its pages and how the pages interact with each other. Web development may range from building a simple static page containing plain text up to the most advanced web-based Internet apps, social network services and online businesses. Normally web development refers to a list of tasks that covers web design, content creation, client communication, server-side and customer-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and eCommerce development. Web specialists, when talking about web development, usually mean non-design aspects of website creation, such as markup writing and coding.

Basic Web Development Hierarchy Consists of the Next Technologies:

When small and medium-sized organizations search for web services providers who will create a website for them from scratch or re-design their existing site, they often don’t see the difference between Web design and web development. And even though there are jacks-of-all-trades who can do both a lot of companies choose to employ expert web designers who build website interface and then pass it on to web developers to finish the work with the site at the development stage.

If you feel that there is more to add on this subject, please feel free to comment below.

Elena Bizina

Elena Bizina has come through an exciting path from teaching English to all age groups, toward IT Sales and Marketing. Now she is enjoying a part time writer’s job and a full time motherhood. Elena particularly loves foreign languages and traveling and plans to carry on with these hobbies in the nearest future. She holds a position of a Copywriter atZfort Group, an IT Outsourcing service provider.

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