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Weather-Related Software–Turn Your PC Into A Weather Station

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Unparalleled flooding, triple-digit heat waves, unprecedented snow fall, freak dust storms, deadly tornados–one simply cannot control the weather.  And though you may not be able to regulate the wind or precipitation, you can always know when it’s headed your way. There are any number of impressive weather-related software programs you can install that will provide a virtual weather station, 24/7.   Weather and climate elements such as wind chill and heat index, wind speed, humidity rate, total rain averages, sunrise and sunset times, incoming hurricanes or tornadoes, etc. cover only a see-through slice of the vast array of weather-related data you can view, share and interact with. Let’s take a peek at what weather-based software programs have to offer.

Rich Visuals:

If you own a computer, you can pretty much own your own weather station.  Weather software connects your computer to your favorite, real-time weather station, either locally or across the world, to provide a rich, graphical representation of any weather data imaginable.   Your desktop can come to life with gorgeous gauges and instruments that display a multitude of weather conditions, as they happen.  Needles shift, dials spin and mercury levels rise and fall, all in real-time.  Your graphics aren’t limited to your computer’s screen either, since you have the option of connecting an HDTV to your computer to reveal enlarged, breath-taking clarity.

Continuous Weather Coverage:

Many stations will continue to log weather data even while your computer is asleep or turned off.  Weather software programs can pull archived data, so regardless of any circumstance, you will always have access to weather you may have missed.

Bridging Weather Software with Home Automation:

Sure you can get software for home appliances or terminal emulator software like Rocket Passport, but oh the things you can do with a weather software program!    You can, actually, connect your weather program with some or all of your home’s automated systems—lights, appliances, sprinkler systems, dimmer switches, motion detectors, pool controls etc., can be regulated via your weather-based software.  Hundreds of commands are available to utilize; and a simplified example of one would be: Don’t water when it’s raining or below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.   With some easy-to-install technical add-ons, weather software will follow every detail of your instructions.  And with ‘on/off’ commands for any compatible water, lighting or electronics system in your home, you will save money, conserve water and reduce electrical usage.

If you’re several thousand miles away and you want to adjust part or all of your home’s automated programs, you need not worry since you can remotely control all your integrated systems by sending an email to your computer, and the software will do the rest.  In addition, you can receive any real-time status of your home, whenever you wish.

Updates and Warnings:

You can control how often you wish to receive weather updates—it can be every second, every minute, every hour or once daily—you decide.  When updates arrive, you can receive forecasts, radar, warnings and detailed weather maps so you will never be caught by surprise and be left unprepared.

Want to know how much rain has fallen each hour since that unprecedented rainstorm began in your area 3 hours ago that shows no indications of stopping?  No problem—you’ll receive the data in graphical and text form, intermittently or continuously, depending on your commands.

Severe weather warnings are color-coded and visual and audible alerts warn of incoming hurricanes, tornadoes, flash floods, tsunamis etc.—and we know how life-threatening some weather types can be.

Thanks to weather-related software, remaining pro-active and prepared has never been easier!


Amidst enjoying her retirement from teaching and her grand kids in Nebraska, Karen writes on various topics ranging from fundrasing to windows 7 terminal emulation.

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