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Why Tracking Your Website Visitors are So Important?

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Most people who have web sites, visitors to their sites and sales made through the site are of the view that everything is working alright. However, you can be certain that it is very important to track the visits made to your web site. An experienced website developer would do this for you as part of the website build and is able to educate you on how to use the tracking tool to get valuable information.

The first reason why you need to keep track of your web site visits is because you will want to check whether you are reaching the market you are targeting. In case your site was developed systematically, then chances are very high that you spent some time doing research and defining the market you wanted to target. You then go about designing a site that would reach the specified people.

However, the research you did was all hypothetical. Assumptions were made with regards to how the customer base would be reached. Tracking the traffic to your website will verify the exact happenings on your site. That is, you will get to know the exact caliber of people who are coming in and the things they do on your web site. You can then compare this to what it is you expect to happen.

The ways in which people interact on your site is also very important. People visit web sites every day. However, it is of extreme importance that you determine what it is that they do once they get there. Some hit your site’s home page before leaving immediately. Then there are those who visit the free section but do not browse through the items on sale. Then, most of the ones who will click on the payment form will subsequently undertake to abandon it.
Tracking the traffic on your web site allow you the opportunity of seeing the way in which visitors to your site go through it, the sections in which they spend most of the time, the things they do and the problems that most of them seem to be encountering. Using this information will go a long way in helping you to improve the experience of your users and thus get more sales.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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