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Top 4 Mistakes People Make When Changing Phone Contracts

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More and more people are now using mobile phone contracts, rather than going down the pay as you go route. The great thing about a contract rather than pay as you go is that minutes are inclusive. There are package deals that allow people to have anything from 100 to unlimited amounts of texts and calls. Of course, the range in terms of data downloads for those with smart phones also vary considerably. The problem that most people find is that they make one of the common errors when they sign a contract.

#1 Waiting Until a Contract Ends :

It would make sense that you would wait until a contract expires before changing to a different service provider, right? Wrong! Here is the reality; phone contract providers usually allow the owner to cancel around 90 days before their contract needs to be renewed. Check the small print in the contract regarding cancellation times and fees. It is likely that you will find that the terms of your contract are similar to those that have been mentioned above.

#2 Not Negotiating A Better Deal :

Don’t just renew a contract with the same price, minutes, texts and download limits. Instead, try and negotiate a better deal based on the fact that you are a loyal customer that never misses payments. Sometimes, companies will honour discounts up to around 10%, which could save you a nice chunk of money over the next few years. Of course, if they will not give a cash discount, try and negotiate a contract that is a short length. Instead of a 24 month contract for instance, try and get an 18 month contract instead.

#3 Not Choosing The Right Package :

A lot of people assume that the package they have is the package that they need; not true. It is likely that you organised this contract 12-24 months ago and since then your requirements relating to phones might have changed considerably. For instance, you might use more minutes now due to work, yet you use less texts. The best idea is to check what your average monthly usage has been for the last three months. Based on the facts here, you can pick a contract that suits. Ensure the contract more than cover the minutes for the months that you go over. This will ensure that there are no additional charges to pay when you do actually go over.

#4 Get The Phone You Need :

Of course, it is natural to want the very best phone, but do you really need it? Do you need a phone that is worth £500? Here is the thing; you will need to pay extra for this phone, the contract price will have been increased to cover it. So if you can get away with a cheaper phone, then definitely do that. Think about how many different phones have been released this year. Having the best phone today does not mean you will have the best phone tomorrow, yet you will still pay a lot of cash for it, even 23 months from now!

Laura Ginn

Laura Ginn is an online blogger, writing lots of reviews on all the latest pieces of technology,
including mobile phones such as the HTC Desire C White. She knows the ins and outs of the technology world
and continues to be impressed by what he sees in terms of technology and development.

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