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Tips to Make Money Online – How Bloggers Can Earn Big

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Millions across the globe think of making money outside their regular paying jobs. There are online breed known as bloggers and web content writers who make money by writing highly informative articles for businesses based on their demands. However, many amongst them do blogging out of sheer pleasure and to kill their leisure time by doing something productive.

In any case, it has become a great money spinner for people who know exactly where to market their blogs that can churn out some handsome dollars.
Ways to earn money online
Bloggers and content writers can check out the following options that can help them to make money online:
Money widgets – This is an effortless way to advertise and promote products that will get incorporated seamlessly into the sides of the blogs along with a widget advertisement.
Direct banners – While bloggers can earn handsome dollars from Pay Per Click and Cost Per Thousand advertisement programs, there are some more profitable programs like that of direct banner advertisements they can opt for. Though it is bit more laborious job to do, yet the remunerations are much higher than the above mentioned programs. Bloggers can use publishing software with premium plug-in facility that can attract other affiliate marketers to work on their behalf.
Marketing blog pages – This is one of the toughest and the most ignorant ways to make money online. However, only a pro-blogger can master this trade with his vast blogging experience and impeccable writing capabilities. These bloggers can sell internal pages from their blogs to business organizations since their blogs have good page rank and high volume of organic visitors. This is way a business can market their product/service at a good blog and the bloggers get money out of selling those pages.
Event sponsorship – Bloggers can also host events in their blogs that will get some money as well as greater number of visitors. They can organize blogging contests, blogging marathon, story writing, etc on their blogs in order to improve their blogs visitors and attract sponsorship’s.
Last but not least, bloggers must be willing to work autonomously. This means that they have to be self-reliant and keep complete conviction towards their job in order to become a successful blogger.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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