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Tips for a Safe Web Browsing Experience – Must Know!

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The Internet takes great pride in being a majorly public domain where users connected to it can freely share information and experiences with one another, effectively turning it to the biggest possible social congregation of people in the world as it is also the world’s biggest network. With such a massive volume of interconnected computers regularly exchanging information by the second, it exposes itself to a wide host of security risks and concerns.

Everyday people see cases of Internet users having their personal information stolen from them or taken and used for completely different purposes: credit cards being used to buy items on e-commerce sites without the owner’s permission, pictures being taken off personal blogs and posted on public domain, entire paragraphs of information plagiarized on other web content, among others. Internet security remains a shaky protocol and users are left with no choice but to safeguard themselves from their own ends.

Your browser, the first line of defense

Users mainly access the Internet’s multiverse of websites through the web browser that runs on their computers and mobile devices, thus this serves as their first layer of protection against the threats of the Internet. Unfortunately, most users fall prey to these threats through their web browsers, thus it is recommended that the following practices are followed to avoid being the next victim of the Internet’s dangers:

Protect yourself from the Web’s threats

Being vigilant and wary during web browsing may put you a few steps towards paranoia, but in the end it helps safeguard you and your family and friends from the threats that lurk at every dark corner of the Internet. It may be an open and free world out there, but freedom does come with a price, so stay cautious and keep your personal information safe at all times!

The author juggles being a wife to an engineer and a mother to a witty toddler. In her spare time, she involves herself in getting the word out about RingCentral office phone system. Find Monique on Google+.

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