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The New iPhone 6 and the User Expectations

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When it comes to the comparison between different smartphones available in the market, then a big fight starts between the different smartphone users. If you ask someone to tell some big names in the world of smartphone, then the answer will be like iPhone, Samsung and HTC in 95% of the cases. Samsung users always claim that the display of iPhone is small compared to Samsung. iPhone users will complain that Samsung is a bigger one to carry and is not a comfortable version. The interesting this about HTC is that they have almost all useful features but still they are not in the competition. Even in Taiwan, which is the production country of HTC, people love to use either iPhone or Samsung. The latest version of HTC phones are used by a small number of people in Taiwan. Where as China and India which are the two biggest nations that can really make a difference between the net number of Smartphone users, are using some other brands like Sony, Sony Ericsson, Lenovo, Sprint etc.

Still now most of the people in USA or in different parts of the world believe that iPhone is the most beautiful and best smart phone in the world of smartphone. I also believe so! But the iPhone users are not satisfied with the display anymore. They also want a bigger screen and some other modification to the phone. I personally asked a lot of person about what kind of modification they are expecting from the new iPhone, but most of them are not very much clear about their expectations. But the answer was common and the most of the answered that they want something different from the tech giant Apple. 

But two persons answered me specifically about what they want and what is not good about the iPhones which are in the market right now. You can have a look to check the answers.

New iPhone 6 – Expectation from the users:


Q. Do you want the display of iPhone 6 bigger that iPhone 5s?

A. Michelle Teksocial (Editor)

I was against mini-Ipad, I am against larger iPhone. I really like seeing Apple as an innovator, not the follower of the trend. I didn’t like multi-color iPhones for the same reason. I think all of those changes result in iPhone losing its identity. They cheapen the brand as well!

Q. Do you want a new iPhone 6 with a color other than white, black or golden?

A. Michelle Teksocial (Editor)

Just as with the previous question, I remain of the exactly same opinion. There shouldn’t even be a Gold iPhone: Black and Silver are the two colors that we need. That’s how we recognize the devices everywhere. I started using iPhone for its functionality and awesomeness, not for bright colors: I’ll keep using the device no matter what but I do believe their current actions are defusing the brand…

Q. Do you think iPhone 6 will be available with Beats headset as Apple has already acquired beats?

A. Philtrate (Sir)

It would be logical to expect a Beats headset for the iPhone 6, but I think this will probably be released a few months after the initial iPhone 6 release as a marketing incentive. I suspect that Apple’s acquisition of Beats was as much about preventing Samsung using Beats technology as using it on their own devices.

Q. What are your 3 expectations from the new iPhone 6?

A. Philtrate (Sir)

A larger screen, probably around 6 inches – this is the safest bet, but I think Apple will stay clear of phablet sized screens

A wider range of models than in the past. The iPhone 5S/5C release demonstrated that different appearances helped the phone to appeal to different use demographics

Fingerpring/retina scanning on all models in order to improve security and reduce the likelihood of the iPhone 6 being stolen

A. Michelle Teksocial (Editor)

Oh I’ve had some of these for a while 🙂

  1. 128Gb PLEASE! My iPhone cannot handle all of my kid’s videos and I can’t afford having all my favorite music as well… And I do want my favorite device to have all that’s important for me!
  2. NFC iTunes payment: I’d love to have the ability to pay using my iPhone
  3. iWatch well-synched with my iPhone… I’d love to have some reliable wearable tech synchronized with my iPhone!

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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