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The Importance Of Mobile Medical Apps

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If you visit any medical exhibitions 2013 you will discover breathtaking ways of solving medical problems with no physical contact between the patient and medical personnel. The key driving force behind these innovations has been the introduction of computer technology. Computers have come a long way from the huge and sluggish machines that existed in earlier years. Now we have increasingly sleek and small gadgets that are thousands of times faster than the first generation computers. Smartphones and tablets are examples of such computers. They are the ones that have provided the ability for the doctor and patient to talk over long distances.

Medical applications in these Smartphones and tablets have a range of uses and are of different types. The following are some of the best medical applications that were developed during the course of this year. These applications can be used by medical professionals such as doctors and nurses, patients or the non-medical society.

     i.        Visible Health’s DrawMD – It is an iPad app that is very useful to both surgeons and their patients. It shows to the patient, in clear graphical detail what exactly will happen during an operation. This helps the doctor explain the operation better and more clearly to the patient. It focuses on nine medical specialties and gives several interactive programs for use by the doctor and patient.

   ii.        Visible Body’s 3D Human – this is a form of a human mapping of the anatomy to help patients, doctors and medical students get a closer and clearer look at all body parts. The app contains more than 2500 diagrams of parts and organs and gives thousands of definitions of medical and scientific terms.

  iii.        iBP Blood pressure app – it is an app designed to help  patients keep track of their blood pressure. It helps to track and present the trend of blood pressure of a certain patient. Such information can then become useful to a doctor.

  iv.        Medical dictionary – Over the years various versions of medical dictionaries have been developed but the latest one is the best and most advanced. It features meanings to over 128,000 plus medical words and drugs in various medical areas. It also defines and explains all the numerous specialties contained in the medical world.

    v.        Eating disorder assessments – This app is particularly crucial to people who are susceptible to harmful and fatal eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia. It incorporates surveys or assessments to the user to determine whether they are in danger of suffering from these conditions.

The above list does not exhaust the full list of the latest medical apps, which can be tested at most medical exhibitions 2013. The list will continue growing as developers look for new and better ways of shortening the distance between the patient and the doctor, albeit technologically.

This is one of many articles written by David Hamer on the subject of technology in medicine.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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