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The 5 tools that will help you in web development

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Nowadays we all have a website in our companies and those who do not have a website will be thinking of creating their own website. For this reason it is why the web development market is on the rise and why there are so many professionals who are dedicated to this profession.

Luckily for us, we have many tools that will help us in these tasks, as you can see on Aviatrix. Next we are going to show you a list with the best tools for web development.

Name Mesh


We start with the most important of all, the domain of our website. This domain name search tool includes more than 6 million words and more than 20 domain generators.

We can create short domains, mix several words in a domain and can also give us some SEO tips.



The main objective of this tool is to decide the typography that we will use in the texts that we will publish on the web in a simple and fast way in the same way as we would do with text and photo editors.

We can create columns of content and alter the typography used, choosing from the side menu the source provider writing any type of text to see the results directly on the web.

Finally we can obtain the CSS code to be able to use these sources in their web pages, with the total certainty that your users will load the source and will see the same result as you.

Adobe Kuler


If we need to create a color palette for our web development project, Adobe Kuler will allow us to create and look for combinations of colors.

In order to use this application you must be registered as user in the Adobe page and with username and password you can use it without problems.



This tool has revolutionized the world of prototype representation applications.  We will transform our designs into interactive prototypes with transitions and web animations providing our mock-ups with realism.

It also allows us to share the same project with as many people as possible, so it is very practical when it is possible to preview and interact with the design of your website before starting the web development.



Mockflow is a tool that allows us to set up a prototype of our website in a matter of minutes, online and for a multitude of different platforms: Android, iPhone, WordPress, Drupal, Facebook.

It is a very intuitive tool, this is because it is as simple as dragging the components that we want to provide to the web to build our wireframe.


Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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