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The 4 Exciting New Innovations for PC

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With all the hoopla about cell phones and mobile phones these days, you must be surprised to learn that people still do use PCs for business and pleasure.  In fact, since PCs have the potential to hold more memory and hard drive power than most mobile devices, you may even find something truly amazing in PC technology.  Here are four items that we found quite arresting and those are really new innovations for PC.

1. Presto :


This program makes your network mobile.  You can attach this program to any laptop or desktop system, as long as it has Windows XP or Vista, and then run either a Windows OS or Presto.  You are automatically connected to your own network and will be able to access your files from anywhere.  This program allows you to speed up your desktop PCs (no matter how slow they are), save battery power, create a secure connection and listen to music or watch movies anytime you want!Don’t you think this is a great innovation for PC?

2. Google OS :

How big the innovation for PC will be if Google OS is just against Microsoft OS? There’s only one thing left for Google to do—besides declare itself ruler of the world—and that’s create an Operating System.  Yes, Google OS is the big talk of the Internet, and it would make perfect sense, since the bought and paid for Android line is already dominating much of the mobile device market.  The device incorporates a Linux based operating system as well as the Chrome browser.  The Google OS is alternatively known as the Chrome OS and works exclusively with web applications.  The question is when will it actually compete against Microsoft for all desktop PCs?  Perhaps soonbut the bigger question is, will mobile PCs eventually make desktop PCs obsolete?

3. 7 Billion People’s Customized Shopping Experience:

7 Billion People is customizing and personalizing the shopping experience by factoring in linguistic and behavioral psychology to analyze what customers do on the web and then determine what type of shopping items are appropriate.  The basis here is tailoring the shopping experience to each customer, and therefore eliminating a lot of the unnecessary search time.

4. Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice Recognition Software:

Have bad eyes?  Have trouble sitting at a desk and typing?  Speech recognition software may be able to help you with that.  Now your PC can record and listen for your voice, automatically generating text documents based on voice-recognition technology.  This allows you to easily capture your thoughts and ideas even at the most inopportune times.

It’s an exciting time to own a PC and a mobile device.  Ultimately, the destination is the same: we are all going one step forward towards universal accessibility and convenience.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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