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Smartphone Features Expected in Recent Future

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From the bulky Motorola DynaTAC to the sleek iPhone, cellphone technology has come a long way and will continue to evolve in the future. As we move through the 21st century, digital technology along with smartphones and various other devices have become a necessity than an item of luxury. Several companies like Nokia (now Microsoft), Samsung, Apple and Motorola have kept the buyers on their feet by developing a series of advanced smartphones through the years.  With companies like Google and Firefox jumping in the already competitive world of digital technology, smartphone users are looking for the next big advancement in communication technology.  While the tech nerds and gizmo freaks can make countless assumptions about the possible advancements, here are some of the future smartphones features that users can expect to see in the recent future.

Photo by miniyo73, CC BY-SA 2.0

  1. Foldable Screens for Future Smartphones:

With the introduction of the bend feature on the iPhone 6, that allows the phone to be bent up to 30 degrees from various angles, we know what’s coming next. Foldable screens have been a rage among the nerds since Samsung’s announcement that they will launch a foldablesmartphone in 2016. As screen sizes are getting bigger, making them more rugged and compact has been a challenge, that only foldable screen can answer in future smartphones.

  1. Better Voice Control

Don’t we get amazed when the protagonist of a futuristic movie uses voice commands to do most things? With the introduction of smartphone apps such as Siri, voice command operated phones and apps have been highly in demand.  Nevertheless, voice command technology has its fair share of anomalies and we can say that it is in its nascent stage. Hence, we can totally expect that the next big thing in Smartphone technology is seamless voice control. You can quickly send text messages; make phone calls, share photos, play music and surf the internet all by using voice commands.

  1. Wireless Charging and Increased Battery Backup

Despite of their popularity, smartphone use has still not become widespread mainly because of its poor battery backup. No matter what Smartphone you choose, battery life and issues with charging are few of the problems that are keeping smartphones from truly becoming ‘Smart’. The Smartphone batteries have always been an overlooked feature that has not developed much. Nevertheless, the introduction of liquid batteries (although still in development) and wireless charging has brought about promising changes in phone designs and functionalities. So, this can be expected, some added battery features will be introduced in future smartphones.

Read: Five Tips to Help Improve the Battery Life on ANY Smartphone

  1. Modular Components

Just like a laptop, smartphones also contain several components that are specifically inbuilt according to the phone’s shape and design. With different phones offering different specs, you’re often forced to sell your used iPhone or other smartphone in order to buy the newer model with better specs. With the development of technology, smartphone manufacturers are also getting a high demand for upgradable phones. Just like a desktop computer, independent organizations are also developing modular parts and components, so that users can build their own Smartphone from scratch. This can allow a large number of possibilities and can pretty much redefine the world of communication technology.

From someone who grew up in the 90s, smartphones are indeed the mark of the oncoming digital age, where most of the things would be at our fingertips. Whatever the future smartphones may be, it is indeed bright for the world of communications and cellphone technology.

Himadri Subrah Saha

Himadri is an ICT Professional who writes for his technology tips & tricks related blog TechnTechie. Though it is hard to balance time in between professional life and blogging, he still manages time to work for his own blog and writes almost regularly. The dashboard of this WordPress is the only place where he does not feel tired! Read my other blogs @ PetCare and Teleinfo

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